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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The tolling of the bells... ROUND I
    You Should Keep In Mind, There Is Nothing Better I Do Than Revenge

    It was a normal afternoon of recruiting. There was no use of tactic for the dark chocolate women, it was either a simple hello or a really forward invitation followed with the abundance of equine to confront whoever she approached.

    Her burgundy lobes flickered, as her periwinkle hued iris's surveyed the active clearing. Her golden streaked mane swayed as the dark damsel made her way to a paint sabino stallion, he seemed quite bored with the current affairs happening about. elegantly striding towards him, she allowed a welcoming smile to spread across her velvet lips. "Quite a lovely day to be out and about?" Her words were sweet like honey as they gently flowed out of her lips.

    No response from the stallion followed but, she stayed persistent. Perhaps a more forward approach would suite the chestnut blotched brute, ""I'm Becca, of Heavens Gates." She paused for a brief moment gaining her words, and slowly processing if she was perhaps speaking to a deaf stallion and being extremely rude in that case. "And I would like to extend an invitation, to Heavens Gates." She blinked staring at him in slight confusion, as he seemed to be just staring at her, his pupils were empty no sight of feeling remained in them. "Are you..." She halted in the midst of her words.

    The field was vacant, the blades of grass frozen in place and the warm essence completely depleted. The once clear water of the  waterfall that emptied into the lake below, had stopped feeding water into the lake. Along with that the water stood murky and black, bubbling and gurgling silently to itself. The ringing of bells followed, their loud vocals echoing in and out of her lobes causing them to quiver and pin against her golden mane to avoid the extremely loud rings.

    An empty wasteland remains of what feels like Beqanna but, what is utterly not. Becca once again feels alone, almost empty inside. This place tears open healed wounds of the sweet mares past, voices echo within her mind stripping away her mental wall of perseverance. Some are deafening, causing the girl to wince staggering back. Her heart seems to mentally shatter as the sorrows of her past flood full force into her mind. Why had this place have to look so much of her past?

    A voice rises above the rest, she couldn't tell if it was real,'come.' It seems to hail her name. She had already given into her dark past, if anything could get worse it would happen now. In a time of vulnerability, Becca stepped forwards cautiously. Her eyes darting about searching for the source of the voice that rose amongst them all, that seemed to vanquish the voices within her head to silence. "Hello?" She spoke wearily, her voice soft and fragile.

    The dark chocolate mare proceeds forwards caution set as a constant feeling, as she obediently followed and listened to the voice, that guided her strictly in the direction of the bells. There ringing became louder by the second, clanging of metal upon metal as if they were clanging against each other in a rhythmic motion.

    Blue eyes search for life, for movement for anything. Until she sets her sight upon a lamb, from her far distance it looks ordinary, petite and vulnerable in the dormant down state. Quickening her pace into a gentle lope, she confronts the creature. Surely the thing wasn't quite what she expected. Multiple horns swung out from the front and back of it's head, and seven beady red eyes followed every movement she made. Quietly staring at it she began to speak but, before she could get her words out it was gone in an instant.

    Was she going insane? She had already heard voices, and surely it was not possible for a petite lamb of that size to sprout horns and seven eyes? Her muscles become tense and she trembled for a moment, slowly tracing back how she got here in the first place:

    1. She was in the field on an ordinary day.
    2. She was speaking to a stallion, whom she presumed either mentally ill or perhaps deaf
    3. She began speaking to the stallion, than poof! She was here.
    4. She began hearing voices, along with the ringing of bells seeming to come from the horizon.
    5. She is with going utterly insane, or just witnessed a creature with seven eyes and seven horns.

    Yes, that was exactly it. She was losing her sanity. Lobes swiveled, as the voice continues this time it is further in front of her instead of within her mind, ' Behold, the end of the world is nigh! You are the chosen ones, will you accept your fate?' The voice comes to a stop as if waiting for Becca to respond. Her face becomes worried, the end of the word is nigh? The end of the world? Also known as beqanna, was her home, her two children bounded about in freedom in the wonderful bounds of beqanna. And it was to be destroyed like that? Hell no, not today or tomorrow, the end will never be near.

    Fear fled from her face, as she slowly swallowed processing what she was to do next, her voice more bold and almost dauntless like she spoke, "Yes, I accept my fate. What do I have to do?"


    image © nathan walker

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: The tolling of the bells... ROUND I - by Becca - 01-13-2016, 04:54 PM
    I haven't come to say I'm sorry; - by Rhonen - 01-14-2016, 02:34 AM
    RE: The tolling of the bells... ROUND I - by elve - 01-14-2016, 01:22 PM

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