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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    watch it burn {Fennick/Gallows/Eona/Any}
    we're setting fire to our insides for fun

    It hasn't been but a year since his birth, and already he is seeing the horrors that life has to offer. As soon as the monster had revealed himself Kryten had frozen in place. Those eyes, he would never forget the grinning malis that they held. The blood of his mother dripping from the petruding thorns. The angry gashes that left the black lady lifeless. He was her replica, and thus tragedy seemed to weave itself into fates loom for his life just as it had hers.

    This was his fault. If he had not come, maybe the monster would have stayed away. Silence followed the cracking thud of bone and flesh. He couldn't turn away, the boy was stuck watching as the insane creature began to mutilate her form. Blood and tissue sucking at his odd hooves. Clinging to the creature the remnents of his mother choked out a gurgling breath. Horrified the colt inched closer to her. It couldn't be real, this had to be a dream.

    Coming to her side after the monster had left he nudges at what would have been her cheek. She chokes out a breath muttering what might be made out to be his fathers name. Unable to move, the lights flickering dimly searching for him, searching for the stallion that had brought her peace. This wasn't right, mother had always had that lost almost souless look about her, every so often drifting from this world, but as soon as father came around, she would light up. The shadows would lift and she would be the soft sweet creature that she was ment to be.

    It only takes a moment in time, for the world to spin out of control. It only took a moment in time for Kryten to understand hatred. Setting his teeth he looks up to Demian So this is war. He doesn't ask it, he states it. He had heard whispers of this thing that was supposed to happen. But looking at his mother, this was what they were excited about? This is what they wanted? They WANTED to see his mother bleed out before him? They wanted their young to watch parents die and bloody themselves. In hopes of what? What would this gain them? What would this cruel act gain him?

    He spins around leaving the corpse of his mother, she was dead, there was nothing he could do about it. There was other things he could do though. Things that later he would do. Phasing into a jaguar the little prince took off running to the valley, as dangerous as it was, as difficult as it is adrenaline allows him to keep the flickering form, every so often flickering when distractions draw his attention away from replication.

    Thundering through the trees claws tear at the soft dirt, grass flies behind him, elongated teeth reveal themselves in a snarl. Green eyes dance with hatred, burning the malicious gaze into ashes. His rage blinds him. The colt races blindly back to the valley, ripping his way through the kingdom until he is in the very center. Stopping the jaguar lets out a vicious roar, hopefully Gallows and Fennick would hear him.

    Exhausted the colt tumbles to his knees, sides heaving, sleek with sweat. His lungs burn aching for air, but they needed to know. The shaky pain was worth every bit. Glossy black, the colt had flickered out of existance for a moment before returning as himself. He wasn't strong enough to stand. No not this time. Fear began to clutch his heart, terror ripping through his body, icy tendrils of everything bad trickled down his spine. His adrenaline had run out, the shock morphing itself, until it manifests into something other then what it normally does.


    image © laurence demaison

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    watch it burn {Fennick/Gallows/Eona/Any} - by Kryten - 01-12-2016, 10:21 PM

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