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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Cat Scratch Fever - Post Birth ( Eirwen, Any )

    It was a long LONG night...her body was aching so terribly and her head still spinning, but after hours and hours of pushing and pain. There lie what made her the size of Jupiter all those months. She knew she shouldn’t have fallen for the charming stag in the meadow. But now...she has...not just one...but TWO children. She could barely handle her little sister Nerissa!!! Now she has to care for two fillies. Of course...the motherly instinct had kicked in, even though she really had not a clue of what to do. The panther woman did not know one thing on how to raise children. She kinda just kept an eye on Nerissa, since she was never a problem. But two fillies?? That was going to be tough. Oh..and they were HERS….HER….she knew they were going to be two hooves full…

    Both were identical dark bay fillies with light hazel eyes, and both had a perfect socks on three legs. Naga could barely tell them apart except for the fact that one was a tad smaller than the other. The small one huddled up beside her, she was weaker than the other too, she reminded Naga of the moon, it’s weak yet beautiful glow that gives her peace. Such a likeness earned her her name, Iluna. The other, was stronger, a little more active. She reminded Naga of the sun, warm and bright, so she gave her the name Eirwen. Her two little to be trouble makers. Hopefully she could return to her duties soon, she didn’t know how long she could stand not doing SOMETHING for the kingdom.

    She stepped slowly, making sure her two little shadows were close beside her at all times. The jungle was warm tonight, it was her favorite part of the late spring. She knew soon the whole rest of Beqanna would be warm soon, no more dumb cold!! She chuckled aloud, looking back to Her girls and stopping for them to grab a snack. It was a strange feeling, but she guessed she would get used to it. Beats carrying the both of them in her stomach...she hoped her gut would go away...but that wasn’t important. Iluna looked up at her with wide eyes after licking the excess milk off her little dark velvety lips. Her little voice was somewhat deep, like Naga’s, but her words were broken. You know, toddler talk!

    ”Muumy? What are we doing? Where going?

    Naga smiled, her voice light.

    We are going to meet our big family. The sisters. You two will be sisters one day I hope! Iluna, Eirwen, would you like to meet “Muumy”’s friends??

    She waited for their reply as if she were talking to a recruit, obviously still clueless as how to really talk to children. She wondered, Imogin would probably like to play with them, even though they were a bit younger than her, Nerissa too. She hoped Rhy was around as well to see what she made. Her little minions….little did she know, they had a little surprise for her….She would be surprised that is for sure, maybe even shocked. But no matter what, she would always love her little girls, no matter what they looked like...


    the jungle panther of atrox and shadowmere

    Messages In This Thread
    Cat Scratch Fever - Post Birth ( Eirwen, Any ) - by Naga - 01-09-2016, 07:13 PM
    RE: Cat Scratch Fever - Post Birth ( Eirwen, Any ) - by Eirwen - 01-10-2016, 05:12 PM

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