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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    DESOLATION COMES UPON THE SKY - Yael, Rhy, Camrynn, Pevensie.


    A stallion who seems to think himself of importance suddenly arrives. Scorch had noticed him of course – or at least she thinks she had, though why he hasn’t made himself useful until an hour into the conversation. Whatever the matter, Scorch doesn’t care to find out his intentions or really anything about him. This man is nobody to her – she’s never met him, she’s never heard of him, and he hasn’t given his name. But it would do no good to be impolite. Not after she’s been so good, and not even one shock from Rhy yet.

    ”I know exactly who I am here,” She snarls unexpectedly, painful memories swarming her mind for both the magicians to pluck. She was supposed to be a princess here, and maybe a queen someday too. This land was by blood, hers. But she’d been lead down a different path, and she’s glad. So don’t go telling her who she is and is not, and do not go blaming her fort things you will never understand.

    Leaning back, Scorch soothes her voice, soothes her mind, and shuts out the emotion just as she has always done. ”But your words have merit. These women will be great queens and will upraise the Deserts, but an oath is an oath. I know they know this, as they have taken oaths to the Deserts and the Jungle – so just remember that the past has a fancy way of repeating itself.”

    If Yael had been anyone else, Scorch’s blood would have boiled at her words. But the golden guardian is so much more than just someone she’s met, she’s a woman who has lead a kingdom which has been allied with the Jungle for a decade. No matter how unfeeling the fire-woman seems, Scorch feels most deeply. Do not question this.

    ”In honour of the alliance which I – on behalf of the sisterhood – am fighting for, I will answer you fully. When I sent Camrynn, she was a completely different horse. A filly who managed to snare my affections.” The way she speaks, as though her words must travel through a brick wall before forming on her tongue, it is evident that any such affections no longer exist. ”I knew that you would see through it, Yael. But I had hoped that you would also see where I was and am coming from – not an angle of power, but of unison.”

    ”My proposal, at its clearest, is this: an alliance founded on a decade of goodwill made even stronger by Pevensie, a solely Desert monarch, myself, a solely Amazonian monarch, with Camrynn as the binding tie. A Desert-Amazon. The Amazons would offer the bulk of our strength in times of trial for the Deserts, and we would expect the same from you. We would offer complete honesty, in exchange for complete honesty. In this way, we would make decisions best for the both of us. As I said, I am seeking a united front which will raise both of our kingdom’s strength.” She chuckles. ”And while the Jungle can only claim to having one very come-and-go magician, I promise you that our lack of such members will not make us a weak link.” Never doubt the ferocity of the ‘Zons.

    Scorch listens aptly to Pevensie, her facial features a practiced blank-slate. While the queen speaks some truth, other words she speaks happens to rub Scorch’s hypothetical fur the wrong way. Alas, it may as well be that her said fur is permanently rubbed the wrong way. When she speaks again, it is calmly and with authority, but considering the gathering, such a tone probably belongs to each of them.

    ”In case you hadn’t heard, a subkingdom is the exact opposite of what I want from the Deserts. And I will also remind you that the Jungle has not taken a subkingdom for more than the last thirty years, since Echion’s reign. That’s a long time to hold grudges, for I tell you again in earnest, the Jungle is not looking to conquer anything or anyone.”

    ”Thank you for your own casting of judgements upon the Jungle, Pevensie. I agree that you served well before my time, and that was a very, very long time ago. You do not know anything of our current workings as you’ve chosen to leave us, so please refrain from placing insulting, ignorant stigma’s upon us. ” The Jungle is no cult. Fuck anyone who says that. The sisterhood is Scorch’s family, and it could have been Pevensie’s and Camrynn’s too, but the Jungle will wheedle out the weaklings. No, she’s not just saying that to be an asshole. It pains her to know this as fact – she has twin daughters who have the mark of banishment, too. And Scorch still loves him – but that’s the thing about blood. It’s binding.

    Judge her all you want. Scorch will never be what you stereotype her to be.

    Finally, Camrynn’s calming speech comes to the group. Scorch replies in kind, her voice continuously strong, stoic. For once, she is not the volcanic queen, but the dormant volcano queen. ”Thank you for your explanations, Camrynn. Neither you nor I --- no, actually, only I had no hopes of knowing what to expect in the competition.” Her eyes crackle slightly, but her voice is even. ”And I must say that I find your statement about honesty to be some newfound virtue of yours, Cammie.

    ”I have spoken my part. It is now up to the Deserts to decide where their loyalties lie – the sisterhood has absolutely no reservations. Every single member has voted on supporting you, on supporting us.”

    Let that stew in their pots.


    Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    Resound, just in case you hadn’t realized, Pevensie actually doesn’t have any remnant of her Jungle tattoo, only the slash, just so you know Smile I can bring up the thingy which is said at initiation if you want to read it and its explanation Smile
    [Image: scorch2.png]

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    RE: DESOLATION COMES UPON THE SKY - Yael, Rhy, Camrynn, Pevensie. - by Scorch - 04-26-2015, 08:43 PM

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