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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'm falling for you, babe | nymph
    ooc: I'VE NEVER DONE SMUT, LET ALONE PONEH SMUT... fdjaljfdak.... don't judge me okkkkkkk xD


    Darkness folded around them as the night grew deeper. Every time she spoke, every time she touched him, or hell looked at him was like a jolt of electricity. He needed her, and his ability to do anything but satisfy that need was quickly draining. He was going to lose his mind if this was one of her teasing games she had pulled earlier. She lipped at him sending fire through him, and her words, her words were unraveling him. He was a stallion after all, young and hot blooded, it didn't take that much, and she had edged him to the limit. Just then she said it, she wanted him, now. Definite, concrete words fell from Kimber's seductive mouth and the young necromancer's control crumbled. His words fell low and raspy, in a rushed exhale of initial tension."Oh fuck yes."

    Nymphertamine was upon her in mere seconds, as she retreated. He leaned on her his left side against her right; he took ownership of her space, of her flesh. The mare continued into the trees, all the while Nymphetamine nipped at her shoulder driving her, needing her, possessing her. Nymphetamine hadn't done this before, he was only 3, still relatively new to Beqanna, and had kept to him self, so the opportunity hadn't presented itself yet. He didn't intend to make a deal of it, and his instincts told him he would just know what to do. He did not feel nervous, only need and desire, the sensation owned his every nerve ending and there was no room for anything other than his lust for Kimber.  He moved in front of her then, throwing himself into her, he would not wait. The young fae had her cover and he would not, or could not wait for more enclosure."Enough."

    He took in her same air, he ran his muzzle along her, he nipped and lipped his way down her neck her shoulder. He stopped for a moment and cried out and stomped his hoof. He pawed  the dirt, the need to do so was so engrained in him he didn't know why he had to do so.  He didn't want to talk through this, he didn't want to a sweet and loving interaction. He didn't know all of Kimber's own motivations but he doubted the mare was here for purely innocent reasons either.

    But he was be hind her a moment later, teeth sinking into her haunches. He rose up onto her hind, using her to support and balance him. His breath came quickly he exhaled and felt every inch of his skin burn with the need ravish her. The next few seconds seemed to stretch on for far to long. He hadn't been nervous before but the moment his instinct didn't guide him in perfectly, his nerves flared sending a different kind of heat through him. But the internally everlasting seconds lapsed and her crashed into her. Mechanical at first, but Nymphetamine found his balance, rhythm, and quickly got down to it. He crashed into her again and again. He was not gentle. Every bit of hatred he held for Keeva's abandonment  was release with each thrust. Kimber was not Keeva and he needed that. He was not gentle, and his speed increased as did the aggression. He felt himself pulse with the need to lose himself in the blue mare. The necromancer was practically vibrating, every nerve ending was screaming, he was right that Kimber was the right distraction to bury himself in. He crashed into her a few more times the nerves were bursting, his breath rapid, jagged, and uneven. It caught in his through before escaping as low fierce growls and grunts.  Finally, his whole body on the edge, his nerves were so intensely vibrating that it felt like his skin was burning he thrust a final time.

    He stilled still upon her, his breath still shallow and rapid. He got down and bit into her haunch firmly, He had no intention of making her his permanently, but he wanted to mark her in a way more than the deep blackness of the night saw. the young stallion moved away then, the driving need to own her, to possess her had ebbed, and he found he didn't crave to press against her. This mare, who was obviously more complex that many would ever know was still intriguing but she was not ever going to be his forever. He looked at her, not longingly or lovingly, but like that had each satisfied the others own needs, whatever they may be. The blood bay thought they had a mutual understanding of this situation, though he would ever tell her his need of her. A haughty smirk fell across his maw, he didn't intend to stay too much longer. The encounter had been intense, to say the least, his body was still prickled with flashes of heat from his maxed nerves. His voice low and thick he spoke for the first time since he entered the cover of trees. "So did you figure out what drew us together?" He paused for just a moment, though his purpose was not to give her time to answer. "I'm not sure I did, we might just have to do this again sometime." The necromancer moved back to her he lipped her lightly, drawing in her air, mimicking how their encounter had started. Their time together was too fresh to not make her nerves flare, even if it was unwillingly.  He moved away and started off the way they had came. He stopped, her blue frame barely an outline, "Until next time, then? It was good to see you again." With that he turned and continued on, his red coats flickering against patches of moonlight. He didn't look back, but knew Kimber would follow him if she wanted to continue a conversation. He would be open to it. But he didn't know how to talk to her in the moments after, so he had thought it best to leave.

    It is true that some fires burn slow; they give their heat on a lower level that sustained long periods of time. But not all fires burn the same. Nymphetamine and Kimber were explosive. They came together for a fast and furious combustion that engulfed everything around them. He might have removed Kimber from his sight,but he doubted that the blue fae would ever leave his mind.

    This lust, a vampyric addiction,
    To her alone in full submission.

    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

    Messages In This Thread
    i'm falling for you, babe | nymph - by Kimber - 01-07-2016, 06:40 PM
    RE: i'm falling for you, babe | nymph - by Kimber - 01-08-2016, 02:00 PM
    RE: i'm falling for you, babe | nymph - by Nymphetamine - 01-08-2016, 09:47 PM
    RE: i'm falling for you, babe | nymph - by Kimber - 01-15-2016, 12:35 PM

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