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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Bloody Creature Poster Girl {Librette/Any}
    All that I need is for you to be bleeding,
    From my homicidal kiss

    The nightmare hadn't taken long to decide where she wanted to go, Librette was the kind of woman she could fight beside in battle. Perhaps Tarnish would come as well, that'd be interesting. Massive hooves leave a pockmarked trail as she makes her way towards the Valley, midnight hide blending in with the shadows as she moved, their cool caress a most welcome sensation. Dark eyes scanned the terrain before her, nostrils fluttering as she inhaled deeply of the scents that greeted her. Hmm, blood and fear and evil. She could like this place, perhaps the stallion here wasn't as bad as some she'd "served". The gentle, nice ones bored her and made her a little testy.

    The darkness felt good to Alptraum, it felt like home as she entered the land of the unknown. She wasn't apprehensive per se, just cautious. A lifetime of battle tends to do that, though she didn't think there'd be anyone here she'd have to fear. The only person she'd ever feared was Morgenstern, because he held her black heart in his hands. Ah the lovely pain he could make her feel, and the kind she'd return to him were a euphoria all their own. He was responsible for minuscule scars along her neck and shoulders, and she had marked him as hers in the same way, love bites hard enough to draw the iron tang of blood and leave their history behind.

    Once well within the confines of the Valley, she stopped and inhaled deeply. Ah, the air was alive with malice and she loved it. Throwing her head back she let loose a scream from the depths of her lungs, why not announce to the denizens she was here. It was not as if they could miss the hulking shape of the nightmare, though her coat did tend to blend itself in to the night. Pawing the earth beneath her with one massive hoof, she waited for any who would come. It had been too long since she had interacted with others, perhaps she still could manage it.

    10 years
    Black (Ee/aa)
    Percheron x Friesian
    18 hands
    No Consort, The Valley, No Hellspawn

    You see, I'm not like those other girls, baby
    I'm your bloody creature poster girl

    Messages In This Thread
    Bloody Creature Poster Girl {Librette/Any} - by Alptraum - 04-26-2015, 07:19 PM

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