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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'm falling for you, babe | nymph


    It had been quite some time since Nymphetamine last saw the blue mare, but she had yet to leave his mind. The snow had come and still the cold did not freeze away the blue lass burned into the back of his mind.  Even when the snow melted the mar was still there. Not a ever present thought, but she lingered, emerging from the blackened dark corners of his mind just when he thought he had rid himself of the haunting.  The blood bay wasn't sure why exactly they had only one interaction. He wouldn't deny that there was a chemistry there, but he couldn't say there was a deeper draw.  No matter what the reason she was on his mind his heart, that pesky thing, was in no shape to be open to anything with the blue mare.

    After their encounter he had gone to find Keeva, he felt he had lost himself in the darkness of Chamber, and he couldn't afford that he had to stay centered.  The little red flecked mare had met him prior to everything she was neutral and he found it easier to find himself. The thought of her being his anchor put a sour taste in his mouth. She was gone, had vanished, left without a trace. He lad looked everywhere,  and for a long while he was rather broken up about it, not that he would admit that. But now he had grown sour, bitter, and a hatred burned in his gut for the fae.

    He was colder now, removed, and frankly he really didn't give a damn about anyone or anything.  This hardening of his heart was what made Kimber's ever present thoughts odd to him. He welcomed the distraction, needed it.  By the time he returned to Chamber, after the failed search and self imposed emotional quarantine, he had found himself searching for her again. Though the necromancer had not  actively  gone searching, he had looked for her as he passed through, as he continued gathering all the information he could.  

    Nymphetamine was sure that the blue mare would be the end to the funk he was in. Keeva would hate Kimber, that she was from Chamber, her crassness, and that he thought of her as intriguing would madden Keeva the most. The stag thought about it with a smirk on his face, as he moved throughout the night.  Kimber would be his closure, his revenge, and then Keeva would be no more.  The night was his most active time now, the darkness suited him. He didn't see many but found the most interesting Chamberings were often out at this time so it made for fantastic observations.

    Tall legs moved him, and as if a dream, or maybe fucking kismet, he didn't know but he swore he smelled Kimber. He froze, and the time he spend shoving her away, while simultaneously engrossing himself in the idea of her flooded him. The need to forget Keeva and to explore the intriguing blue fae gripped him hard. A moment later he heard her,  smelled her--and Warship, but he was so beset with the idea of what kimber could offer him he barely took notice.  He didn't move, but listened to her voice, and he was humming with...need? lust? anger? revenge? He didn't know but it was all he could do to control himself.

    The blood bay wouldn't not cross the line of rape, but the way he felt and the chemistry of their last interaction had him feeling that he wouldn't need to persuade her too much. He allowed her to press into him, and he tried hard not to press back. If he pressed, the gate would open and the sensation he held within him would surely ruin his chance of wooing, no persuading her.  She was there and he was not sure his voice would give him away or not. He exhaled slowly, to keep control, but his words fell before his mind filtered them. "Fuck appropriateness, or being alone. But i'd be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled to see you in this way."

    He reached out and smelled her, took in her air- owned it, and he wanted nothing more than to own her... even if just for the moment. He had no intention of this being a long term thing. It was an itch. An itch he intended to throughly scratch until it was out of his system.

    This lust, a vampyric addiction,
    To her alone in full submission.

    OOC: I used "he" way too much... and I think I solved the issue with how nymph will be about "hate fucking" O.O

    whoops i just realized you didn't actually have kimber lean on him... if you want me to edit that let me know
    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

    Messages In This Thread
    i'm falling for you, babe | nymph - by Kimber - 01-07-2016, 06:40 PM
    RE: i'm falling for you, babe | nymph - by Nymphetamine - 01-07-2016, 09:55 PM
    RE: i'm falling for you, babe | nymph - by Kimber - 01-08-2016, 02:00 PM
    RE: i'm falling for you, babe | nymph - by Kimber - 01-15-2016, 12:35 PM

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