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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    hidden motives and sweet words ; illinois, any

    It's astounding that the mare seemed to be as naive as she acted. Illinois seemed to posses all the traits that her brother Texas did not have. She was youthul in nature and mind, laughing and dancing like a cool bubbling stream. She danced and hopped and felt. Perhaps this was her flaw as well but it was hers and hers alone. She is not aware that Syden is toying with her, pulling the marionette strings to his advantage. All Illinois can really imagine is what is in front of her, a strong mascsuline creature who seemed to want her attention and time...

    She had all the time in the world honestly.

    This is why her vision ususally does not extended past what is present. The woman had outlived most of her friends and companions. They grew old, grey, sunken. She was like an undying flower, full of color and blossomed always. She could not be drowned, or suffocated. Her wounds healed on their own (as Syden had seen), she could not die, per say. Bright eyes look to the stallion's with hints of embarassment but it lasted only momentarily before the wisp of his lips upon her inky black mane were caressed away and banished. A small smile pulls upon her lips as she chuckled softly. "I'm glad I did not spook you away." Soprano tones murmured dreamily as his ruffling of her name relaxed her. Lobes lazily move to catch the husky words of Syden. His appreciation to not have lost her, that she was safe and in one piece. Her small smile melts into a bit of a tugging frown as she listenes to the male.

    He is too good to be true and she realizes it now. Empathetic feelings drawn inward like vibrations and she stores them to file away with his photo next to them. His words felt hollow like a rotted log. They seethe with concern intermingled with underlying motivation and as the mare stands next to the taller equine, his lips against her skin, in her mane, crowding her ears and thoughts with sweet, sweet words she recognizes the game he plays. A soft sigh falls from her lips and the long lashes fall over her eyes. She does not want this to end, this delicate little balance but why should it?

    There is not much to fear when even death does not scare you.

    Jaw lifts to brush her own lips against the ashened skin, parting slightly to allow the sharp pearls inside to rake softly against the strong boa, gentle but meaningful. Illinois was a sweet mare. Kind and gentle but she tended to be a mirror at times, reflecting off the energy of a companion. A little honey smile pulls itself over her velveteen maw. "Tell me about youself." Vocals spoken softly to keep to themselves.


    antidote x cuerva lista


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    RE: hidden motives and sweet words ; illinois, any - by Illinois - 01-04-2016, 09:16 AM

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