He blinks. Its an odd thing to do, but its an odd meeting to begin with. Thus he he meets her in an odd fasion. I suppose kingdoms have rulers.
He inhales, his chest expands. He exhales, the cavities between bone and sinew collapse. Ramiel, is around. The king had been quite busy as of late. Maybe not, he himself could not tell you considering that his own self had been here and there, skittering about searching for tasks to complete.
The day is peaceful, warm rays glisten agaisnt the barrel of his hide. Blue locks shimmer in the stillness. He lifts his right forleg then places it back. Military through and through. Muscles pop under the fur, neck craned, and hooves position themselves in a formal manner. He looks over her carelessly assessing her. She didn't seem much of a threat, but still to lax once is to lalx in his duty. Something that he wouldn't do. I'm Phaedrus
He had almost forgotten his manners. In a stiff prideful way his neck curves, his wing dips. One stretching to curl at his chest a foreleg stretched forward so that whiskers tickle his knee with a huff of breath. Mane falls in his face, tail swishes against his haunches. He straightens, he blinks, he breathes and waits. Not much else for him to do. Possibly his ears could flicker around, listen to the chirping of birds, or the music of crickets, but no they remain as they have been since his arrival, straight forward.
I adore these two together.