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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the dead are coming home; anyone
    i'm going to burn this world down in her name with flame and terror
    "Being a ruler had it's cons just as much as it had it's pros." It had been something I had once said to someone in passing, or maybe even to myself, and so right had that statement been. The responsibility had been a great one and I had taken my joys in beginning to bring the valley back to it's feet. But then more pressing matters had arisen. Something in my choices had caused an infection to rage through my body only days after I had sacrificed my eyes to the gods in order to build the wall. With great action comes great consequence. Even if the action committed had been one with good intentions. And as the infection took hold, I had slipped away quietly back to the corners of the valley, leaving the kingdom in the hands of who had proven most able.

    Without a word, I had left them all guessing. Assuming that once again they had been left, deserted by a ruler who had truly no intention to do anything but hold a throne. It was best that way... For if you were to tell a group of followers that had such a great belief in you that there was a potential for death, then chaos was usually sure to follow. And I had needed my peace, for none to worry, and absence of constant nagging in order to allow himself to heal. Though there were times I spent shivering in the cold nights wishing for death as the delirium washed through my mind and tried it's best to take hold and root itself deep within.

    And I won't lie, there were times I almost let it, exhausted from the fight it was taking in order to survive this vicious attack. But then there was one morning where I woke and the fever was gone, the pain had subsided, and I was able to lift myself out of my moss made bed. For weeks after that I spent the time rebuilding my strength and relaxing until finally I had felt the shift in the air. A shift that said change was coming and with that change came the lessening warmth of the V under my left eye. I could feel the fire slowly beginning to die and with a look towards the center of the Valley, I felt my brow crease and I began to wonder what exactly was going on.

    My sacrifice had been a great one and with it I had ensured our safety, even if many others hadn't seen it the same way. Though most who had disagreed had been the ones to be on the other side. You could say the masses didn't like when something could potentially thwart their plans. But as is such a life, when there are so many in search of power and destruction rather than the building of life and gaining it fairly. Then again, even I liked to play dirty sometimes, and so it was almost hard to judge them. Then again, it wasn't. Not when you so deeply were rooted to a kingdom and it so deeply rooted within you.

    My mind for a few seconds moved back to the scar, wondering about the slowly dying flame before finally I turned and pressed my wings snugly to my leopard spotted sides and began to move forward at a steady pace. For hours I traveled across the soft dirt path that twisted and turned so elegantly that it was easily more a path to relaxation and a somber mind rather than a path to the gathering meadow that sat within the center of the Valley's forests. The caw of Ravens flying overhead kept me at ease as the swooped down and took notice of my presence before slipping off towards the tops of the trees and to the skies, to undoubtedly return to their master and tell her of my return. Almost immediately a small smirk traced over my features at the thought of Straia and her silent lust for "fun".

    What a character the Chamber Queen was. She was certainly a personality I was never to forget. She had made a big impression in the only a small amount of time. Twisting and turning through the trees, I allowed myself to make my way towards the place where I remembered the magic tree to be growing and it only took moments to realize I had already come to stand on the mound of land the seedling had been nearing fruition. It was then I realized the tree was gone. That the power was lacking. And snapping my head towards the path that led towards the entrance of the kingdom, I allowed my features to twist and flash from confusion to frustration, to anger and then my face became completely blank and devoid of feeling or emotion.

    Whatever the reason, it had to be a good one. For the only thought in my mind at this moment was that we had lost the tree or had made a trade. I guess you could easily say, that when you leave, expect not for things to remain the same. For the rest don't think or see things the same way you do. And so I became still, standing where the tree once stood, taking a deep breath and allowing myself to become somewhat of a statue as I waited for someone to come and explain just what changes were taking hold.

    demian; the once jaguar king

    Messages In This Thread
    the dead are coming home; anyone - by demian - 12-31-2015, 04:25 PM

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