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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I won't deny it or fight it - Minette

    I'm so excited, delighted. I won't deny it or fight it.

    Time had passed so quickly after their escape from the mountain herd. Her year in captivity had been a hell, she had lived in constant fear for the red eyed wolf and her new found friend had been the only one that had kept her going. Without Minette she wasn’t sure if she would have survived, let alone if she would have been able to escape from his claws. Sure Gryffen had only ‘won’ her for a year, but the cobalt blue girl didn’t trust the wolf for keeping his word. He hadn’t been around much, but the thought of him had been enough to have her cowering in fear.

    Yet Felinae couldn’t say that it had only brought her bad things. She had given birth to the most precious thing in her life; her daughter and she had learned what true friendship was. And that were also the two things that had fallen out of her gasp after their arrival at the Gates. The girls had grown rapidly, no longer babies but instead young girls who didn’t need their mother’s as much anymore. As long as Besra and Amorette would be together Felinae didn’t mind it that much, Besra would always stay her baby girl, but that didn’t mean she had to baby over her for the rest of her life.

    What she missed most was Minette. During the year in Gryffen’s herd she had been around the gray mare a lot, relying on her in difficult times. But things had changed after they had arrived at the Gates. It wasn’t like their ways had parted completely, but they both had their own families, next to their big one. Only the thought of Min is enough for Felinae to smile and it doesn’t take her long before she decides to look for the gray mare.

    ”Min!” she calls out, her step quickening as her friend comes into sight. A smile spreads across her blueish lips after she whinnies. Not that Minette wouldn’t have heard he first call, but she couldn’t help but to call out for a second time. Her blue legs carry her forward and by the time she comes to a halt in front of her friend she is panting slightly. Without holding back Felinae presses her nose gently against the gray mare’s shoulder, breathing in deeply and with a wide grin spreading on her lips.

    [Image: felinae_zpsxzrcory8.gif]

    Messages In This Thread
    I won't deny it or fight it - Minette - by Felinae - 12-29-2015, 06:33 AM

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