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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    by the hammer of thor - mast, magnus, rhy, sette

    I am iron and I forge myself

    She may be preoccupied with other things (a hell of a lot of things), but Lagertha hasn’t entirely missed that her friend is out of sorts. She has a hunch that it may not just be about the war, and so she asked Rhy to join them - not as Khaleesi and Erinak - but as friends. Their walk back would be long, and it would either be fruitful and allow them to hash things out, or something else would happen and it would be uncomfortably long. Either way, maybe it could alleviate whatever is going on in that brain of hers, and hopefully allow them to reconnect.

    They may disagree on some basic principles, but when it came down to it, if Rhy asked her to step down and gave a good reason, she would. When the gold and white mare had been completely mortal, the gray would have given her life if need be. Neither of them have those pesky mortality issue anymore. But the sentiment stands. Hell, it’s even crossed her mind that if the two of them were inclined towards mares, they might end up together and be quite the Jungle power couple. Which is funny to think about, in some alternate universe.

    As for Anguisette, she is well aware of her daughter’s disgruntled reaction towards her denial of a Chamber visit. There is a reason for that, too. First, there was little knowledge to gain from Sette going there, as it was supposed to be short and sweet. Second, she needed to put a face to who they were fighting with. It’s always important to give a reason for war, instead of faceless cause. And third, all three women needed to understand exactly what they’re dealing with - for the sake of planning both offense and defense. They need to see the destruction, though it must be well on its way to repairing itself.

    Rhy takes command as first Mast (she nods in greeting, but waits and says nothing) then Magnus come to greet them. Her eyes linger on the pair of stallions, examining the gray king’s antlers and the buckskin’s wings. Sometimes she misses her horns - but those wings were just a nuisance in the Jungle’s dense landscape. And they were easily infested with bugs. There is something she wants to say to Magnus - but not right now. Perhaps before she leaves. It isn’t important, and certainly doesn’t pertain to war. But goddamn, he is still rather handsome. It irrationally irritates her. Instead, she goes into General mode. Her eyes glance to the sky, noting the lack of black birds and the fact that they were in an area devoid of trees. Surely the Ravens knew they were there, but they hiding in the trees to eavesdrop.

    “There’s a lot to do. Show us the damage to the Gates so we can understand what we’re up against.” She lets the stallions take the lead, and when they’ve started, she walks and talks business. “First of all, our magician has made it so Straia’s birds can’t get into the Jungle anymore. It’s safe, but we are far from each other, so we’ll need to find a way to communicate. Second, we wait to see what the Dale will do. We are very closely allied with them, and a Sister is there now, informing Ramiel of our decision. Do you have any other allies?” She pauses, knowing that she’s throwing a lot at someone who may not be so… militarily inclined. The Dale’s support would be a key factor in making this a level playing field or an uphill battle. “And lastly, I’d like to speak to your General. See what we can come up with.”

    That’s all for now. It’s a damn shame she can’t be in two places at once. It would make everything so much easier.


    warrior queen of the amazons


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    RE: by the hammer of thor - mast, magnus, rhy, sette - by Lagertha - 12-23-2015, 11:19 AM

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