I call her the devil
cause she makes me wanna sin
What is this nice shit Kavi’s got going on? She supposes she should appreciate the offer, appreciate that someone was accepting of her idiosyncrasies and do her best to fit in with the other Kingdom members. But she’s also inherently distrustful and she doesn’t know him at all, so instead, she kind of just shrug-nods and mumbles and assent that she has no intention of following up on. Shaytan could have sworn it was an evil kingdom, and like an ignorant meadow bum chid, she was expecting to find the stereotypes. That? She didn’t know what to make of that, and the result was making her seem incredibly incompetent (don’t get me wrong, she probably is) and awkward. Take Straia, for instance. She seemed like someone who could be an Evil Queen… kind of elegant and slightly mysterious. Demanding. Like she might bite your head off if you took a step in the wrong direction.
It was hot. In a potential girl-crush-hero kind of way.
Well damn. Shaytan wasn’t expecting that.
“Send me somewhere with grass,” she says suddenly (cryptically), though she throws no opinions out about the other kingdoms. Shaytan doesn’t know shit about them. Why pretend to? But she an act nice. She can play the part. She might be a royal fuck up, for all anyone knows. Then again, what else should they expect from the Chamber except a creepy, potentially lesbian bunny killer with terrible social skills? It’s par for the course, right?
Let’s be honest, she’d be an awesome recruiter.
and every time she knocks
I can't help but let her in