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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    all I want is one more chance to be young and wild and free; sette
    All I want is one more chance to be young and wild and free
    She can see the moment when Sette picks up on her tone and her shame deepens instantly. Not only has she been a horrible friend by abandoning Sette during her trip to the Valley, but now she’s clearly making her friend feel like she didn’t care at all. Which couldn’t be further from the truth.

    Her apology seems to reassure Sette somewhat, but it does nothing to make Vi feel better. She’s let Sette down time and time again, and the wonderful mare keeps forgiving her. She doesn’t deserve it.

    Her head hangs low as Sette nudges her. “I still feel like a horrible friend though. I keep letting you down.” She can’t help but feel a small bloom of happiness though when Sette says that she's missed her (though that too, makes her feel guilty). It’s nice to be missed by someone. No one else cares enough to miss her.

    She finally looks back up at her friend as Sette launches into a myriad of questions. She can’t help but smile, just a tiny little bit. “I’ve missed you too. And I’m alright. I’ve been keeping to myself mostly.” Which is really nothing new. “But as for the kingdom … they’ve voted to side with the Gates. We could be heading into a war.” She hadn’t attended the meeting, but news like that spreads quickly. It scares her a bit to think about. What will happen if they go to war? Will Sette fight alongside the other sisters? She doesn’t like to think of her friend getting hurt.

    She shakes her head slightly, trying to clear the thought from her head. There’s no use worrying about it now. For all she knows the war might not even happen. “What are the Valley members like?” She is actually curious, though she also is trying to change the subject. Having never stepped foot outside of the kingdom since her arrival here, she knows very little about the other kingdoms.

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    RE: all I want is one more chance to be young and wild and free; sette - by Vi - 12-20-2015, 07:26 PM

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