There's a song in your lung and a dream in your eye.
The air is sharp and cool this high in the clouds, whisking away heat and moisture as if it had never been. Autumn had come, bringing with it the crisp, clean scent of the season. She had missed that scent, living so deep in the Amazon jungle as she had been. There the air is always thick and humid, redolent with the scents of flora and fauna. She has grown to love her home, would protect it with her very last breath if need be, but there are certain things she does miss from the outside world.
Her family, for one. She feels like it has been ages since she had last laid eyes on them. Well, perhaps not ages, but certainly too long. Her mission has a purpose, but this is as much a social call as it is a diplomatic visit. Besides, she is not a diplomat. Lagertha had sent her because of her ties to the place. So, really, what else could she expect?
She lingers in the sky longer than she should have before she makes her way down, golden eyes searching the ground below her. When she finally finds what she is searching for, she lands on the ground with a thump next the black mare assigned to accompany her on this trip.
The trip is not a long one. The Dale and Amazons are neighbors, so making their way to her birth home is relatively easy. In short order, they have arrived. The landscape is familiar here, the hills and valleys of this kingdom having been her stomping ground for so much of her youth. It chafes at her that she cannot simply go find Ramiel. She had once known nearly every one of his favorite places, might have easily been able to find them. But in this moment, she is constrained by convention and diplomacy, forced to wait for them to come to her.
But she knows they will come soon enough. She has no doubt that their presence has not gone unnoticed.
Tiphon x Elysteria