there's no religion that could save me
no matter how long my knees are on the floor
i'll pick up these broken pieces 'til i'm bleeding
if that'll make it right
"My apologies," He breathes, the scent of her suddenly thunderous and no longer dull. He figures that the two are interchangeable, when one knows no better. But he knows better now - what appears to be nothing, is in fact, everything. "But Cordis, what's keeping you here?" He's come full circle, touching base with their suicidal topics as though they are nothing but the grass beneath their hooves.
"I have my family, the rain, my skinchanging..."
His shapely bay head tilts slightly to the side and upwards, as the mare is far older than he. If only she knew.
"...What do you have? Besides the lightning."
An obscure, unbalanced smile breaks the solemnity of his face. If only I wanted her to.
"I know you have the lightning, as I have the rain."
Thoughts of further apologies cloud his head, but a shake of it clears them. He is merely curious about her lightning, about her life, about her love, Spyndle, who he has yet to meet but oh, meet her he will. The volcanic smile dwindles back to the blankness of before, the canvas of black. Only his eyes betray his desires, for he shall never be able to control them. Just as her eyes taste like ash created by her lightning, his taste of drowning. Ever drowning, be it in curiosity, love, or sorrow. As he gazes at her, expectantly waiting for diligent answers, he figures that perhaps she is drowning, too.