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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the risk it takes to blossom; lagertha
    Don’t tell anyone, but Lagertha actually likes her kids. I know, it’s shocking that the Warrior Queen, the Iron Lady, the woman who periodically threatens to run visiting diplomats through – has a soft spot for her children. She has silently counted the days of the year until Sette returned to the Jungle, meanwhile trying to teach Vidar the things she thinks he needs to know, and doing her best to give him the attention she’d never given Dalten. If there is one regret, it is that her firstborn would never be quite like the rest (not that there will be many more… but she does have all the time in the world) of her children. She’s learned her lesson. Don’t loan out your womb for political gain.

    Today is the day. Today is the day that Anguisette returns. Today is a day just like any other – but it isn’t, even though she forces herself to keep going through all the things she has to do instead of waiting at the border like an overprotective mother. Lagertha hates that feeling. It is contradictory to every bit of independence she’s instilled in Sette, to the very spirit of the Jungle’s women, it seems. And so she forces herself to wait for her daughter to come and find her instead. Vidar joins her shortly before Sette appears, and she presses her nose into the base of his neck, where it meets his spine. It’s kind of funny that both her biological and adopted child are roan. They could easily be one of Scorch’s brood – one of them is already a cousin. Sucks that he will eventually leave the Jungle… he is welcome to stay, of course, but she likes to think that his sire’s spirit means he will do great things elsewhere.

    Lagertha grins and chuckles at the joke. “Careful girl, she growls playfull. “Or I might just have to run you through.” She is referring, of course, to her threat to Fennick when he came to claim her. It is a threat that remains in effect. Anyone who wanders this far into the Jungle without an escort (or the tattoos that are soon to reappear) will be facing the very real possibility of injury – even death – if they mess with the wrong Amazonian. Which basically means that they had better hope that some other sister finds them, and not the Khaleesi. “I’ve missed you too, little one who is not so little anymore.” Her adulthood is not lost on Lagertha’s observant eyes. It would be time for her to take the oath soon, though she’s known for a long time now that her daughter’s heart belongs unequivocally to their humid home.

    She watches her children interact and quips saucily, “Of course they don’t. How many disappearing Kings and Queens have they had over the years?” She scoffs in the back of her throat. They may have apt leaders at the helm now, but it doesn’t mean that they have what it takes to beat the Amazons, let alone the Amazons and the Gates, and whomever else is bound to join them, now that the Gates no longer stands alone. “I think we can beat them. We just have to be better. And smarter. And well prepared.”

    Her gaze turns to Anguistte. Speaking of being prepared… not that she wanted to cut this family bonding short, but information is information. She’d rather ask now than have to go track her down and find out later. The General in her takes over. “Did you discover any valuable information?” It was alright if she didn’t. That wasn’t the point of her excursion.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: the risk it takes to blossom; lagertha - by Lagertha - 12-18-2015, 05:12 PM

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