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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Let's all hang together, shall we? All Kingdom Meeting

    Fennick had grown used to being summoned. He didn’t mind it as much as he pretended to. He just rolled his eyes at the grouchiness of the summons, and tried hard to clamp down on the tiny, amused smile. He couldn’t let his humor show, the last thing Gallows needed was encouragement. Someone had to keep her humble.

    He joined the group with little fanfare, and glanced to the wall. He remembered when it was erected. It had given him a bloody heart attack. It had blocked the view. It was hard to stare off into the sunset when it was blocked by an overwhelming wall of fire. He hadn’t minded it, it had kept him home safe. However, with dark times rumbling on the horizon, safe was the last thing Fennick wanted to be. He wanted to be victorious, that, and that alone, would ensure their prosperity. After a moment he spoke, liking the idea others had already said. The black stallion shrugged and grinned in a devil may care way that wasn’t true.

    “Wiser men than myself have said the best defense is a good offense.” Fennick considered his own words for a moment, letting them mull. It was high time they improved that offense. If war was to come it was best they were prepared for it. They should mock. The idea caused a twinkle in Fennick’s eye. That could be fun, more fun than a firewall, perhaps.

    As for allies, that was another matter. Fennick had enjoyed his little hike through the Jungle, for all Lagertha had threatened to kill him if he ever came back. He admired a woman with spirit, and he had been a bit of a smart ass. He wouldn’t hold that against her. As far as good impressions went, however, it hadn’t been stuff of diplomatic legend.

    “The Chamber has much and more to offer. I’m not sure about the other kingdoms. I’d be interested in speaking to the Amazons, if they ever emerge from the trees. Until then, I think our best alliance is already made.” Fennick was quite sure they were already on the winning side of this war, should the promised war ever come. They did, however, need to be ready.

    “Perhaps it’s time we met with our friends. What do you say, Gallows? Want to throw a party? Who doesn’t love a friendly debate, or a good mock. You could even fight your son again.” Fennick’s eyes glinted, trying hard and failing to hide his amusement.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Let's all hang together, shall we? All Kingdom Meeting - by Fennick - 12-13-2015, 03:26 AM

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