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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    who will drive my soul; hurricane, any
    — tobiah —
    in these bodies we will live, in these bodies we will die
    and where you invest your love, you invest your life


    Despite the fact that it was summer, and thus one of the mildest seasons in the Tundra, Tobiah was still surprised by the bite in the air. It was different from his birth, wherever that had been, and the few days following—the weather warm and welcoming and utterly perfect. If that is what you viewed as perfect. For Tobiah, it had been mostly empty. He had appreciated the sweet beauty of the land, the softness of it and the quiet, but even after a few days, he had begun to yearn for more. He had begun to dream.

    His mother had been the same—soft, sweet, nervous—but his interest had been piqued more of the stories that she had told him of his father. A stallion that she, admittedly, did not know well, but who came from a kingdom where the land was beautiful and cruel and dangerous. He was King, she had told him, of a band of brothers where no mare was allowed to join the ranks. The Tundra. The brotherhood.

    Her details had been vague, shallow, and still they had been enough. Enough to cause the young colt, even in his severe youth, to wait for her to sleep before leaving. Enough for him to gather his wits and point his path in the direction of the Tundra. There had been a brief flickering of fear in his heart—enough to cause him to pause, at least—his pale blue-grey eyes resting on the sleeping form of his mother. 

    But, ultimately, he had known what he needed to do.

    For in all of her stories, his mother had also told him of the faeries of Beqanna and the warning that they had given her regarding her newborn son. He would grow up strong, tall, handsome. He was gifted with his father’s invisibility, something he had yet to master, and wings, although the one on the right would forever be smaller and thus weaker, and immortality—the gift of eternal life. That is, until he fell in love.

    Tobiah had not understood at first, how such a gift came with such limitations. He did not understand why his right wing curled more at his side and why he felt distinctly off-balance whenever he unfurled them. He certainly did not understand why his own emotional attachment could strip him of his immortality. But what he had known was that when his mother had told him of the Tundra, the place where no mares could roam and where he father reigned as King, he had known that it was his only chance to hold onto his gifts.

    So although he paused, and his expression had fallen for a second, he had ultimately stiffened his lip, just nodding at her in his form of goodbye before turning toward the Tundra and what waited for him there. Although there were parts of him that had wanted to curl into her side, let her continue to coddle him, he knew that his only true chance of survival was to shut that part of him off completely. 

    He was not gifted the luxury of love in his life. It was better to acclimate himself to that fact now.

    As he makes his way toward the Tundra, he fortifies the promise he made to himself in his heart. When he reaches the border, he is pleased to know that he does not even miss his mother. Instead, he just lifts his roman nose to the wind and lets loose a call, surprisingly throaty. And then he waits for what is to come.

    Messages In This Thread
    who will drive my soul; hurricane, any - by tobiah - 12-12-2015, 08:30 PM

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