I was looking for a breath of life
another taste of divine rush
In case you didn’t know, Shaytan is a creature of many obsessions. She usually flits from one to the next, whenever it fancies her. The burning tre - her tree - is on of the things, like Straia, that is perpetually in the back of her mind. It fascinates her. Like some stoner pony, she often finds herself staring at it for more than is probably good for her eyes. Some might find this creepy.
99% of them will definitely find it creepy that she’s lurking, invisible, just on the other side of the tree. The other mare, the one that she does not know and is not her beloved Straia, talks to her self, just like the other stallion that invaded her space in the tree. It isn’t her tree, by any stretch of the imagination. She is not the Priest - though that would probably be a far more ideal position for her than to try and run the peace caste with Kushiel (whatever was Straia thinking?!?). But in her silly little mind, it is hers, which clearly means that she must reveal herself and explain the purpose of the tree.
Shaytan’s voice is heard first; flat and entirely unsexy. She smiles (leers) at Straia, though she answers the other’s question. “It’s the tree that gives visions with a blood sacrifice. It burns and burns but to ash, it never turns.” Oh, and she might have thrown some mystic-sounding shit in there too. Cause why not? She doesn’t know the other mare. She can be as weird as she wants to be.
so many lives
so many pairs of eyes