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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    do you recall, not long ago;; any (kingdoms!)

    "I will see."

    He can hear her coming, the soft sound of hooves that lightly touch grass. His nose tells him her gender, female, yet he cannot see the smile upon her lips as her sweet voice greets them. Brynmor turns his head in her direction, eyes staring off in the distance as he slightly dips his head. He is never sure if he is looking in the right direction, but at least he tries. That not all his attempts to cast is blind gaze in the right way doesn’t really matter.

    When the other recruiting male sidesteps to make more space the graying male is left somewhat confused. Not knowing what is exactly happening or why Phaedrus suddenly moved, he backs away a few steps, head held a little higher and ears focussed to pick up all small sounds. ’Calm down, Bryn, you’re causing a scene. There’s nothing happening’ the voice in his head speaks up, even humouring him a little, but nothing too bad. It does cause Brynmor to snort as he tensely focusses on the three horses around him, trying understand why Phaedrus moved in the first place.

    It is only when Corin speaks up, to introduce himself and ask them to tell something about their homes, that Brynnor realises that nothing is wrong. Tension flows away, as he silently mutters something to himself, while he listens to Phaedrus answer first. ”Phaedrus is right, home is home, wherever that might be for you” he replies and then pauses for a moment, his gaze moving slowly in an attempt to look at the homeless man. ”To me the Tundra is home, because they were willing to give a blind man purpose, where no other seemed to want to have me.” ’Oh Brynnie, we both know that isn’t true. Yes, we got kicked out from that dreadful kingdom first, but you were send to the Tundra for that little task.’ Gritting his teeth Brynmor tries to ignore the imaginary voice, tossing his head in the air a little, in a silent and hopefully not noticed attempt to release some of the frustration.

    Brynmor turns into the direction of the mare, ears pointing forward, as to move the speaking turn to her.

    "Through your secret."


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    RE: do you recall, not long ago;; any (kingdoms!) - by Brynmor - 12-12-2015, 03:36 PM

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