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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    not a creature was stirring | round iii

    Kat had thrown her self back into the chaos, everywhere she turned there were elves and demon reindeer in the throws of war. There were cries of pain as humans and animals alike tried to keep their own false ideas of Christmas safe. The fight was reaching its peak. The noise was deafening and everything was spinning out of control, pure chaos.  Kat was still in her warped state of mind. She still thought the orange eyes Grinch wanted the best for everyone, and she fought alongside his demon reindeer to help him. In fact she had just engaged with an elf, she was growing tired but adrenaline coursed through her dragging her along no matter how fatigued she was.  Se had a black eye, a lovely shade of deep rosy-red, which would soon turn black and green hued. There were scrapes up and down her arms and her pants were ripped and torn in several places. She did not look bright eyed and bushy tailed, she looked beaten down and crazy-eyed as if she were out of control. The elf she fought off had just landed a smarting blow to her shoulder with some of it’s fancy magic. Kat had managed to scramble and catch the elf by the collar.  She lifted him up off the ground, held him out in front of her with two hands, and prepared to throw him into the wall. ”You messed up my shirt, little man. Didn’t Papa Elf tell you not to mess with a lady’s wardrobe?!!” She pulled him in to get momentum, ready to let him fly to the wall.

    Just then a voice boomed over everyone, over top of all the noise, and all the chaos. Everyone froze. Kat stopped when the words fell, “ENOUGH!” She released the elf, arms still extended out in front of her, the else falling to the ground in a final thump of noise. Everyone looked up, well most everyone did. There were a few who moved outside, trying to see the noise’s source.  Kat listened through the eerie still that had fallen over then all. She listened for any noise; after a moment there was a distant sound. She squinted (because that makes you hear better and everything) trying to place the sound. It wasn‘t but a moment later when she placed the sound- sleigh bells!

    Kat ran to the front door, and yanked it open; everyone was frozen in place looking up to the sky. Santa’s sleigh appeared and there was an awe that buzzed among them all-elves, reindeer, humans and pets alike. Kat listened as Santa and the Grinch spoke, at one point all the demons twitched into motion but Santa squashed it before it ever really started. Kat was confused, something didn’t make sense with what she knew to be right- Grinch didn’t want presents- he just wanted families to appreciate each other. But there was no time with a jolly rumble Santa gave way to the chase- as he sent his elves off to their destinations. The Grinch called all his demon reindeer (and you) and beckoned you to get to the North Pole. Once there he instructed his minions to steal all the magic they could. Kat pierced her lips and tilted her head- this didn’t make sense. Why? How did that help them get families to get together and focus on being grateful? Many of the Grinch’s minions wasted no time, but her small hoard waited for her, but she was not ready to move. The Grinch glared and yelled at her to stop wasting time.  Kat’s eyed narrowed, this didn’t add up. ” What do you mean steal  magic? Why do we need that magic? Can’t we show families the true meaning of Christmas without magic?”

    The Grinch was not interested in explaining, but Kat was not budging, and he had already explained he could transport her all the way. She had to be the one to go, and so he would have to answer her. The Grinch frowned in displeasure, his eyes mere slits. “Look little girl, I owe you no explanation. But I can’t do all that needs done without the extra magic. NOW GO” The Grinch’s words were said through clenched teeth, and she was less than happy about the delay.  He attempted a smile but it was that of someone about to blow his or her gasket- not the supporting reassurance- though he tried to hide it. Kat looked him over, and nodded, for some reason his short answer was enough for her. The fog obviously still had her mind in its altered state, though she was unaware. Kat turned and started running, she wasn’t quite sure how to use the magic, but the last times she simply thought what she wanted, so that would have to work again. Kat thought of the North Pole, she had to get closer, the Grinch said she couldn’t go straight there. But where?  Just then she happened to look down- she looked a mess, which made her think.

    She closed her eyes for a second as she finished her thought, willing herself to be in the grandest mall north of her current location.  When she opened her eyes she was in a mall, from her current potion it looked like any other mall, she wondered what made it grand. Of course her group of demons were with her, She ran to a mall directory, “West Edmonton Mall” was written across the top, and the mall was HUGE.  She sighed, knowing there was no way she could find a whole outfit when everything she needed was scattered throughout the mansion of a mall. You have got to be kidding me! She then remembered she had the reindeer, She turned at them smiling wickedly- shopping was never a laughing matter. ”OK you little twats, I need you to go find me following things: the best pair of fashionable winter boots you can- warm, but hella cute, size 7.5 and thermal socks; a cute vest, in a flattering color size Medium;  a neutral long sleeved shift- think thermal cute workout type thing, size small. And black pants- WARM black pants- size 9. Now GO!”

    The minions looked at her with distain, but did as they were told. Kat looked back at the directory, there was FairWeather right around the corner, and she figured they would have coats. She took off at ta run; the mall was closed so she would have to find her way into the store. She rounded the corner and collided with a security guard.  He grunted in surprise but quickly grabbed her, loudly talking about the mall being closed, and what was she doing here. Kat struggled to get away, but there as little she could do. ”You idiot you have magic, USE IT!!” It was amazing how easily she forgot the damned antlers were on her head and she was in a weird Christmas nightmare.  She closed her eyes and thought of the directory, there was a water park in this mall. She thought of him popping up in the water park and with a thick crack the security guard was gone. “Bye bye rent-a-cop, enjoy the bath! This is so cool!” The knew her time was limited so she ran to the shop and magiced the gate open, it clanked and clinked as the lock tumbled open and the heavy metal door rolled itself up.

    Once inside, she found a coat quickly, warm, cute, and luckily free.  With that she ran back to the directory, by now the rent-a-cop had surely reported her presence. Luckily the reindeer were already popping back to the directory with their finds. She gathered her loot and told the demon’s to turn around. She then changed into the warm, comfortable, and cute clothes. ”Whoever said you can’t be cute and kick some Santa ass never had free range of a huge ass mall!” It had been about 5 -10 minutes and she figured the magic had to be ready to take her closer. Kat realized she had broken into a mall and stolen goods, so she had to erase the evidence. "Take care of the evidence would ya??” she barked at the closest reindeer. It giggled gleefully, and hopped off to do the work. She figured it would know where to follow, so she closed her eyes and thought of being closer to the North Pole.  

    She opened her eyes and it everything was white, and it was cold. She didn’t really know where she was geographically, but she was somewhere that was flat and tundra like. She worked her way what she hopped was north, but she had no actual idea. She had been walking for several minutes when in the distance, something moved towards them. Kat was thought it looked like a bear, and she was not looking forward to dealing with it. She gathered herself up thought and trudged forward, she had magic after all. The bear like thing morphed as they approached, it wasn’t a bear at all but a Yeti! A scream escaped her lips, ”You’re real!! The Yeti looked at her like she was the dumbest thing he had ever come across. “Of course I’m real. Stories have to start somewhere.” She nearly fell over, not only is the Yeti real it can talk—this is too much, simply too much. He turned and looked at the demon-reindeer that accompanied her, concern growing on his face. Kat jumped in with a question, trying to distract him from thinking about their purpose here.  ”Where are we anyway- I wanted to further north…” She trailed off, not wanting to say more suddenly. The Yeti smiled, “This is Nordaustlandet, or the North East Island in English.  It is right next to Svalbard, one of the furthest north inhabited landforms and is technically a part of Norway. Its mostly ice and tundra and isn’t inhabited. It is technically some nature reserve. Perfect place for a yeti to exist…why are you traveling north?”  

    Kat listened, in total shock that a Yeti was talking to her and knew so much. No shit… She thought to herself, this is the weirdest night.  He looked at the Yeti, trying to think how to answer. ”We are going the North Pole… so see Santa.” She smiled as sweetly as she could. Trying to play the best innocent sweet girl she could. The Yeti didn’t believe her; he shook his head, and glared at her. “No… No…I think you are with that Grinch fellow, some elves stopped through here a moment ago, they told me to prepared.”  With that their pleasant talk ended. He snarled showing his pointed teeth and flashed claws. The Yeti took one of it’s massive hands and knocked a 2 of the reindeer down, unconscious. It had its eyes focused on her. She swallowed hard, not sure what stopped a yeti.  She thought “freeze” and the yeti froze, and Kat ran as far as she could, but the magic didn’t hold, and the yeti was back on her tail. The reindeer were trying to interfere, to give her space, but the yeti just knocked them aside.
    Kat was running out of ideas, but then she remembered the yeti said, that this place was ice. She could melt a hole for him. Kat stopped and turned around facing the large yeti that was gaining on her. She focused all her magic on melting a large section of ice in front of her.  She hoped the ice would freeze quickly again so she could get away.  The ice had melted and the yeti was almost there. It reached out for her but fell into the puddle just in time. Kat closed her eyes and Wished she and her reindeer were at the North Pole. Oh please be recharged, oh please! Oh please!

    Kat opened her eyes, and sure enough she had made it to the North Pole. She took a shaky breath and tried to calm her nerves. To try and distract herself she looked for the reindeer that took care of the evidence at the mall. When she found him she asked how he managed it, the reindeer replied “fire, big fire.” Kat just about punted the reindeer back to the yeti she was so mad. ”You did WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?” The demon had set a giant mall ablaze, and she had been the real cause. Kat fell to the ground the night’s events finally caught up to her. This was all too much, the fighting, the traveling, the weird way some things just didn’t make sense. It was just too much. She sat there in the cold, outside Santa’s workshop and just wanted to be back home in bed. She didn’t’ want to fight got the Grinch or of Santa. All Kat wanted was for her bed. Christmas could go screw itself; no holiday was worth all this turmoil.  

    The reindeer pushed at her urging her up, to move, to get back to the fight. But Kat didn’t care. No matter how right she thought the Grinch was, she didn’t have it in her any more.  Turned out the reindeer weren’t trying to get her to fight, they were trying to defend her, because a moment later she was hit square in the face with ball of red and blue sparks. The world spun and her vision went blurry. Her voice was angry, but wobbled, slowly it went weak, soft, “You have got to …be kidding…me…” And then Kat’s world went black. She didn’t have to fight, or worry, because she was unconscious in the snow outside of Santa’s workshop as the war for Christmas was going on around her.

    { Kataclysm }

    Me and God? We don't get along well.

    Guess this is a thing: 

    Places: West Edmonton Mall- Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Nordaustlandet- Svalbard, Norway
    Magic used: teleportation, magical lock picking, freezing, melting
    Obstacles: Security Guard, Angry Yeti

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    RE: not a creature was stirring | round iii - by Kataclysm - 12-12-2015, 01:31 AM

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