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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the risk it takes to blossom; lagertha

    To say I've missed the Jungle would be an understatement too vast to elaborate on. I visited, per the agreement, but it just wasn't the same. My bed at night was under a sky filled with stars and pine boughs, an openness I found slightly disconcerting. I did my best to stay busy; observing and talking, learning more about Beqanna and her kingdoms than I ever had in the jungle. My mother had been wise.

    I was still disgruntled at my captivity, but only mildly. I'd wanted the chance to prove myself and my mother had given it to me, turning a devastating situation into an opportunity.

    She is always doing annoyingly clever things like that. I grin to myself, glancing around our usual spots to look for her, eager to reconnect. Of my brother, I know so little, and of my mother, there are still worlds of information I want to have.

    I pick my way through the vine laden ground, tripping more than I would like. My feet are out of practice. I am sure they will become nimble again, soon, but it annoys me and I snort. I feel foolish almost instantly. Grumping at plants is not exactly princess or diplomat behavior.

    Of course, the new curves and lines to my body don't make coordination that much easier either. I've grown up and filled out and I know I should be considered an adult, but I still feel very young. And other than lengthening and growing, and the black of my coat fading to a dirty gray roan, I don' think much about me has changed.

    In the end, Lagertha is where I expected her to be, at the heart of the kingdom taking advantage of what must be one of her very brief moments of solitude.

    I clear my throat and widen my eyes in a playful apology. “You must be the Khaleesi. I'm sorry I've wandered miles into your territory but I just couldn't help myself. I've heard how much you love trespassers.” A grin breaks across my face and I whicker my amusement. “Hey mom. I've missed you.

    I feel a small pang of guilt for disturbing her. Concern washes across my features as I move closer to nuzzle her. “I'm sorry to bother you; I'm sure you've a million things to do. I've seen Vi, but I wanted to see you as soon as I could.” I glance around as the rising sun penetrates through the vines, bathing the small clearing in a haze of golden-green light. I sigh, content. “The Valley has nothing on our kingdom, mama.

    the changeling jungle princess

    Messages In This Thread
    the risk it takes to blossom; lagertha - by Anguisette - 12-09-2015, 08:40 PM

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