you and I both know that the house is haunted
and you and I both know that the ghost is me
It wasn’t that Magnus disliked Daey—he hardly knew the other—but he had disliked the way he had behaved in their previous encounter. Magnus was of the opinion that the Field should be a place of choices. It should be a place of opportunities. It was a place where individuals could arrive and talk to souls from all walks of life and homes and then find the one that suited them best. While Magnus hoped that the horses he talked to would want to take up residence in the Gates, he knew that his kingdom was not a good match for everyone—and he was grateful to be given the chance to help them find that right fit.
When he had seen Daey trying to limit Dragonglass’ options—well, he wasn’t pleased. Of course, that didn’t mean he would break into a fight. Instead, he just gave the other stallion a nod and turned his attention to the mare. “It is indeed beautiful today,” he responded, watching with a smile as she pawed at the almost frozen surface. “As for my reasoning, I enjoy my daily treks to the Field. It’s a time to meet new souls—and, hopefully, help them find a home if that is indeed what they want.”
He shrugged his powerful shoulders. “If they aren’t though, I just enjoy the conversation. I consider that one of the finer things in life.” Magnus had been raised among the warrior Amazon women, and he learned to love everything about them. He loved a mare’s strength—their kindness, intelligence, fierce beauty. Being around mares brought out the best of him, and getting the chance to come to the Field every day to spend a few hours in their presence was one of his favorite activities.
once general. once lord. once king.