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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    when all through the house | round ii

    ”Didn’t anyone ever tell you Santa won’t come when you are awake?” The Grinch says, coming to stand before you. He finds you. Of course he does. Whether you were dropped at his feet, standing with a gun in your hand, or hiding behind locked doors. It doesn’t matter. You may not have magic, but that doesn’t mean there’s no magic in this world. 

    He shakes his head slightly, those green eyes blazing a trail back and forth. One flick of his wrist, and any weapon you may have is flicked away from you, the doors of your hiding place blown away. “We aren’t here to hurt anyone, unless you get in our way. But since you are up…” Again, another flick of his wrist, and a pair of antler’s appears in his hand.
    It’s ridiculous, actually, as this green demon holds a pair of headband antlers in his hand. The kind you can buy at any and every store this time of year. “We could use your help. Santa’s elves are swarming now, and really, we are simply trying to do everyone a favor.” His voice is smooth, you notice, hypnotizing. It almost begins to make sense, the things he says. You can understand, you may even believe him.
    He pauses for a moment though, obviously listening. You hear it too now. There’s commotion everywhere. The sound of the demons cackling, the jingle of bells that must belong to Santa’s elves. Everything rips and crackles and pops outside. The world is fighting over Christmas. You have no idea if you are the only house awake, but that doesn’t seem to matter. You are the one the Grinch is interested in.
    “See, Christmas has become so terribly commercial. It’s all about the tree and the presents and whose house has the most lights. It should be only about family.” There’s something wrong in that voice though. Beneath your desire to believe The Grinch, something tastes wrong and bitter. There’s just that hint of hell in his words. But still, no matter his real intentions, perhaps he makes a good point? “We’ve left all the food, and taken all the commercial junk. In the morning, we want the whole word to wake up to the only thing that matters. Food on the table, surrounded by family.”
    “I’ll tell you what. Just to prove my point, I promise no harm will come to your family, no matter what you choose. But you should send them off to bed now. The reindeer know not to hurt anyone sleeping.” He pauses, and holds the reindeer antlers out just a bit more. It’s clear he wants you to take them, put them on, and help. “So, what do you say, friend? Want to help us save Christmas?” 

    Blazed and Hestia have been eliminated from this quest. For the next 2 real life weeks, you will randomly see The Grinch walking around Beqanna and you will scream rather loudly. No one else will see The Grinch.

    CHOICE 1: Go with the Grinch
    • If you choose this option, the reindeer demons will accompany you on your journey from here on out, and you may power play them
    • You are to help them destroy Christmas by raiding all the Christmas goodies (except food) from at least 2, and no more than 3, houses on your street
    • The world is at war – your fight will not be an easy one. You should encounter obstacles on your journey (guard dogs, other people awake with shotguns, whatever you want). In the last house, you must encounter Santa’s elves (you can start this fight, but do not end it)
    • The antlers give you limited Dark Magic – you may perform no more than two acts of magic and the damage will be minimal (you can smash a box, not a wall) – for this round only

     CHOICE 2: Run/Fight
    • If you choose this option, Santa’s elves will come to your aid. You may power play them, but you must get out of the house before the elves notice you need help
    •  In this option, you can either simply try to flee, or you can try to work against The Grinch and save all the Christmas goodies
    • You must run past/fight the demons in at least 2, and no more than 3, houses on your street
    •  The world is at war – your fight will not be an easy one. You should encounter obstacles on your journey (guard dogs, other people awake with shotguns, whatever you want). Outside the last house, you must encounter reindeer demons (you can start this fight, but do not end it)
    • The elves have limited Light Magic – you may ask the elves to perform no more than two acts of magic and the damage will be minimal (you can smash a box, not a wall) – for this round only
    • Replies are due Monday, December 9th at 9:00am EST
    • If the elves forgot useful rules, or you have questions, please PM or post on the OOC board

    Messages In This Thread
    when all through the house | round ii - by The Elves - 12-03-2015, 05:29 PM

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