you and I both know that the house is haunted
and you and I both know that the ghost is me
The meadow is not Magnus’ normal setting. On any given day, the buckskin stallion most often finds himself either patrolling the Gates or making his way to the field, culling the latest batch of newcomers for those who may have a heart for Heaven. He was not picky—at least in the conventional sense. He did not look for those who would traditionally fit the description of a Gates resident. Instead, he looked for those who could fit her future: those who were strong enough to protect, those who were broken enough to need a haven. To him, the Gates would grow as a sanctuary. He would see to it that came to pass.
Still, for some reason, he finds himself moving toward the meadow today. He flies from the Gates, enjoying the ability to stretch his wings on a longer flight, and breathes deeply of the soon-to-be winter air. It was crisp, although the flirtatious bite of autumn was beginning to bleed into the more vicious snap of the coming months. Although he had been born and raised in the Jungle and found himself often missing the humid heat, he loved these months. He loved the frost and the silence of snowfall.
Magnus had just landed when he heard the name. Fiero. It rung something deep within him—some memory he had long forgotten. He had thought Ledger was his only child still roaming these lands, and even then, his son had disappeared recently. But to think that Fiero, a child of Joelle, was still alive? It seemed impossible. Unable to keep himself away, Magnus made his way toward the trio (unaware that it was a group made up of his half-sister, son, and grandson) and looked toward the buckskin stallions.
His stomach twisted painfully.
“Hello,” he finally managed in his husky, throaty voice. “My name is Magnus.” He looked toward Fiero, and he felt hope flare desperately in him. Doing his best to tamper it, he simply said this: “Son?”
once general. once lord. once king.