The young girl can only happily smile, totally amazed and utterly happy at her brother showed up at the playground too. At home he had never approached her, to Amorette’s disappointment. If she would only know what happened just moments after Besra’s birth she would’ve understood that her maman wouldn’t let him near her. Her smile widens as he addresses her, almost beaming as there is a fluttering feeling in her stomach. Curious her eyes follow the palomino based gray and horned colt and she is not able to contain a burst of sweet giggles as he reaches out to touch her.
Then Besra joins them and she presses against her sister’s side, not at all aware of Besra’s dislike. ”Look Besra! Brother has come to play too” she says as she happily grins before pressing her muzzle against the taller filly’s neck. And then her wide smile turns into a pout, matching the look upon her brother’s features. Disappointed she tilts her head a little, looking at the blue haired girl and then to her brother again. ”Why not? Don’t you like brother?” she asks her sister, almost questioningly. She was so happy that her brother finally approached her and wanted to join their game, but then her sister took away all her excitement just like that. And little Amorette simply couldn’t understand.
Her attention is pulled back to the young colt. Amorette offers Johnathen a smile. ”I’m Amorette. This is my brother Leck and my sisters Besra” she introduces the three of them, the smile still adorning her lips. His second question has her a little flustered and she cannot help but to feel somewhat shy. ”Salut means hi” she answers him, voice soft and a little hesitant.
When her sister speaks about playing hide and seek – and including her brother in the game – the smile is instantly back to adorn her lips. ”Oh yes pleaaase, I really want to play all together.” A little too eager she looks from her sister to her brother and back to her sister again, sometimes turning her gaze in Johnathen’s direction. He could join them, if he would want too.
She giggles with his confession, which isn’t something to find funny – because cheating is bad – but she cannot stop herself because of the way he so nonchalantly said it. Amorette steps away from her sister’s side, closer towards her horned brother, before turning back at the blue haired filly again. ”You count, Besra, please! And no peaking!” Her voice is light and excited, as she expectantly looks at Besra, waiting for the filly to close her eyes and start counting. She’s giggling softly, before looking up at her brother as she reaches out to him.
minette's petit papillon