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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    there is never a day that goes by (Brynmor)

    "I will see."

    Especially because the Tundra holds little obstacles it is hard for Brynmor to navigate himself around. With nothing standing out, nothing that is different or marks a certain place within the kingdom, he has no way of recognizing his surroundings. It would take the graying male longer to get to know where to find water and food, just as where he could find shelter if needed. And thus far the only recognizable point is the southern wall.

    As long as he knows where the wall is he should be able to know in which direction he has to go, but that does mean he needs a simple map inside of his mind to know in which direction he has to go for which need. The fact that all the other borders are natural cliffs means he wouldn’t know which border he had stumbled upon, but at least with Hurricane’s warning he wouldn’t proceed too far if he would ever find himself near them. ’Maybe you should throw yourself of a cliff, you’re just their little puppet, they wouldn’t miss you at all’ his friend whispers in his ear, for Brynmor only to hear. ’Or… If you’ve finally grown some balls, you can stand up against them.

    While he ignores his friend for the time being, keeping his own snapping remarks to himself, he follows the other stallion around. ”Flat lands make it harder. I don’t run into obstacles that easily, but I need them to determine my location” he replies, directly explaining himself, as his blank gaze swaying into the direction he can only guess that his companion is. Brynmor is still careful of his steps, but with Hurricane to lead the way he finds it quite easy to walk.

    They start of right ahead and therefor Brynmor concludes that these caves are located in the north of the kingdom, as the border is south of them. He is told about the river and the Welch Cob hybrid nods his head to acknowledge he has heard Hurricane. ”If it’s frozen most of the time, what is the kingdom’s water supply?” Water was already a risk to the blind male, but ice was even worse. He couldn’t use visuals to take in the state of the ice and neither could he guess how deep the water under the surface was, so Brynmor rather stayed away from it, unless when he didn’t have an other choice of course.

    The first time he notice that the ground level starts to rise is when he missteps slightly, his hoof landing on the ground sooner than he had estimated. But once aware Brynmor doesn’t make the same mistake twice. ”Then what is it’s purpose?” he bluntly asks. If the caves weren’t meant as a shelter, then why did the other male ‘show’ them to him? As one of his ears stats pointed in Hurricane’s direction  he takes another cautious steps forward, following his nose into the direction of the caves. He would recognize the smell before entering, for now that was enough detail for his little map, but the young male couldn’t help but to feel slightly curious to why he was told not to enter them unprepared.

    "Through your secret."

    OOC: I feel like this post has many words but no content at all..

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    RE: there is never a day that goes by (Brynmor) - by Brynmor - 11-23-2015, 03:34 PM

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