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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    - warning signs ; any
    The red mare seems to take offense at something the other man had done or said. He flicks a brief, assessing glance at her, trying to determine where she might hail from. When it is not immediately obvious, he turns his gaze back to the gray stallion. It is true, his actions if not his words had been somewhat dismissive. But then, as far as he is concerned, better to know immediately whether your time here is wasted or not. Had the stallion brushed him off in such a manner, he likely would have left. He has little interest in trying to coerce men into joining him in his home.

    Of course, he says none of this. Blunt and honest he might be, but foolish he is not.

    It is then that another stallion decides to join their small party, inserting himself easily into their conversation with an apology. Hurricane eyes the man (Magnus, he had introduced himself as) with faint interest. He had seen the stallion around the field often of late (it would have been hard to miss him) though this is the first time they had met.

    When Syden begins speaking again, Hurricane turns his attention back to the newcomer. He doesn’t respond the man’s question immediately, instead considering him for a long moment. Not because he doesn’t know what to say, but rather because he wonders what this man’s motive might be.

    ”I imagine any one of us could offer you much the same thing. A home, a purpose. Promotions, opportunities, if you prove yourself.”

    He pauses, ruffling his wings as his steely gaze fixes challengingly onto the gray stallion.

    ”To be honest, the Tundra is a harsh land. If you’re looking for an easy, soft life, you’re better off going with either one of these two. Beyond the standard incentives any kingdom can offer, the best you’ll get is a certain knowledge of your strength and a world that recognizes you for what you are.”

    That is probably the truest thing he has ever said. The Tundra is a hard land, but all of Beqanna knows Tundra men when they see them.
    There is never a day that goes by
    that is a good day to die.

    Messages In This Thread
    - warning signs ; any - by decypher code - 11-21-2015, 09:07 PM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by Estonia - 11-21-2015, 10:24 PM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by decypher code - 11-21-2015, 10:38 PM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by Hurricane - 11-22-2015, 12:37 AM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by decypher code - 11-22-2015, 08:33 AM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by Estonia - 11-22-2015, 01:01 PM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by magnus - 11-22-2015, 03:24 PM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by decypher code - 11-22-2015, 03:35 PM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by Hurricane - 11-22-2015, 10:13 PM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by Estonia - 11-22-2015, 10:51 PM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by magnus - 11-22-2015, 10:56 PM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by decypher code - 11-22-2015, 11:25 PM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by Hurricane - 11-23-2015, 11:33 AM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by decypher code - 11-23-2015, 02:31 PM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by magnus - 11-23-2015, 11:23 PM
    RE: - warning signs ; any - by decypher code - 11-23-2015, 11:49 PM

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