11-21-2015, 08:17 PM
And I see colors in a different way
You make what doesn't matter fade to grey
Life is good and that's the way it should be
You make what doesn't matter fade to grey
Life is good and that's the way it should be
Texas' little girl is growing up. She knows a lot of things now, mostly from watching her mama. She knows that clover and grass are good to eat, but the prickly weeds taste icky. She knows that the falls are a wonderful place to play. She knows precisely how to exasperate her mother (mostly by disturbing his naps). And she knows that her mama is different than most mothers. His voice is deeper, for one. The little girl suspects that there is something off about her lone parent, but having no concept of the difference between male and female, she decides it doesn't much matter anyway. Sparrow loves her mama with all of her golden heart, and isn't afraid to demonstrate her affection frequently and openly.
She wakes from a nap and stretches, rolling over and over again in the fading flowers of autumn. Winter is just a faint scent on the air. She clambers to her feet gracelessly, sneezing as pollen tickles her nose. Her immediate thought is for her mother's whereabouts. Brown eyes wide, the silver black filly makes her way towards the pool at the base of the falls. She and her mother frequently spend their days in its vicinity. The rushing water, the chill of the spray; all of this is home. Sparrow loves the water with all of her impulsive, childish being.
As she approaches the trio of horses, she pays only slight attention to the dark stallion and the reddish mare standing near the shore. They speak, but she doesn't need to listen. Her eyes are only for the bay standing in the water. A delighted squeal bursts from her throat and she splashes into the pool, sending sprays of cold droplets everywhere.
"Mama!" she crows gleefully. "I found you!"
The full force of her gangly body collides with his in a rush of giggles. She nuzzles her mother, unabashed.
texas x redbirdooc: SO hard not to power play a bit with foals. I will edit if you don't want her to greet Texas quite so exuberantly. ;-) And for anyone who is confused, Sparrow thinks Texas is her mother.