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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    there is never a day that goes by (Brynmor)

    "I will see."

    ”You and I might know that, Hurricane. But there are others who might need some convincing before seeing it too.” With that he meant both those of his past and those he might come across in the future. Brynmor would prove them he wasn’t useless, instead he would play their game along, or pretend to be doing so at least, before striking back.

    ’Like you would be match for them, you’ve never trained any muscle in your body’ is the nagging voice in his mind. Gritting his teeth he frowns as he still follows Hurricane. ”I’ll prove them otherwise” he replies his imaginary friend out loud, voice confident but also irritated at the same time. ’Oh, please, Brynnie. You’ve never trained a single muscle in your life, how would you be able to stand up against them? You KNOW you cannot.’ To which Brynmore replies with a soft and simple ‘shut up’, that is almost inaudible because of the wind.

    The graying blind male is pretty capable of moving around without too much trouble, if he was allowed to keep his own pace. Even the slowest walk needed his full concentration, not alone did Brynmor have to be alert for any possible danger he would stumble upon, but he also needed to take in all the sings he got from his surroundings. Every step he makes is scanned and measured, he depends on it and taking his time helps Brynmor to avoid colliding into obstacles.

    Uneven ground and roots meant that there were trees near, just like the sounds of running water meant that he was close to a creek. The small things tell him enough to determine his steps, but it all was quite slow. That Hurricane lead him sped the walk a little up, because Brynmor was confident that the other male guided him in the right direction, meaning he didn’t have to take that into consideration himself.

    He cannot see the ice walls that visualise the kingdom’s borders, but that comes with it does. It’s colder here than it had been in the field or the meadow, but what else would you expect of the tundra? He doesn’t quite understand what caused the shadow, but the feeling is not unfamiliar to Brynmor and therefor he doesn’t pay it any mind. He had plenty of time to figure it all out anyway.

    His steps grow a little more hesitant and scanning as Hurricane stops – or that is what Brynmor concludes as he cannot hear the stallion’s hooves touching the ground anymore – but after a few more calculated steps he comes to a halt too. He tips his left ear in Hurricane’s direction, but uses the other one in favour of taking in his new surroundings. ”The Tundra” he repeats, tasting the sound of it. ”Do you mind guiding me to the most important places?” he asks as he sways his head into the direction of the other stallion, pausing briefly before he continues. ”That would make it much easier to get familiar with these new surroundings.”

    "Through your secret."

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    RE: there is never a day that goes by (Brynmor) - by Brynmor - 11-21-2015, 05:24 PM

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