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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    All the lights that shine strong only last for so long(any)
    Texas’ narrow face doesn’t show any reaction when the mare snarls at him, but his muscles tense beneath his dark coat and his breathing quickens. He’d not expected her to pick a fight, not in the Falls, but is clearly prepared if she were to try. But then her anger fades to embarrassment, and the quick shift – laughter, anger, shyness – has Texas frowning. He is still considering leaving, always a good option when confronted with such rapid emotions in a stranger.

    She apologizes and then refers to the Falls as home, and Texas’ dark eyes grow ponderous for a moment. He’s not seen her in his year living here, but he’s well aware that doesn’t mean she’s been back for a visit in that time, He’s not particularly attentive at things like border patrol or even caring what the rest of the residents (ie Trua and Shatter Me) are up to. She introduces herself as Tyrna, and while the name is only vaguely familiar, when put goether with her silver dapple coat, he remembers – Shatter Me’s daughter.

    She looks like her mother, he can see it now. She is younger though, and Texas is both shallow and instinct-driven, and finds Tyrna prettier. Not, of course, that he does not find Shatter Me attractive as well, but she’s the Queen and he has no desire to entangle himself in politics in that particular way. So while he might appreciate the figure of their Falls monarch as she passes by, he’s never had any intention of pursuing it farther than that. He does not miss the way that Tyrna looks him over, but he rather enjoys being objectified, and so he says nothing, but does allow his own gaze to trail over her figure.

    It’s autumn, after all, and they’re both adults.

    “I’m Texas,” he replies in his honeyed drawl, not at all offended by her directness, even smiling slightly at it. “I advise, fight, and try to keep the peace. What do you do.”
    T E X A S
    immortal silver bay hybrid stallion
    king of the falls

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    RE: All the lights that shine strong only last for so long(any) - by Texas - 04-19-2015, 10:20 AM

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