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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Killdare, any]


    Beside his Queen he watches the young male lower his head. Good, he thinks. Finally the lad had some conviction to show respect. He stands like stone, broad and unyielding against the backdrop. Whatever tales Nymphetamine might weave, Killdare would be sure to take care when considering them.

    And so the tale begins, with uncertainty and a course for deceit. This new comer goes on about how he had set himself up as a spy, but not for the Gates-against them.

    To this the Colonel lifts his brow, though he halts all other reactions. He had considered as much, but he still did not know whether to place faith into the story.

    Then to his surprise the blood bay offers an additional bit of interest. Before them a creature rises, or, at least what had been left of it. Time, death, decay had ravaged the body. Sections of flesh had peeled and rotted away from the bone, but somehow it still held strength enough to break away at the Queen's cage. In place of ice, was flesh, long since deteriorated. And the smell, oh the smell!

    Killdare did not care for it one bit. The scent was putrid enough to threaten the hairs from his nostrils. Though he bore this inconvenience, he did not have to like or enjoy it. Truth be told, it was an interesting gift, he would give the lad that. It was something that could serve the Chamber no doubt, but did they really trust the wielder? His gaze shifts, looking at Straia sidelong. What did she think? What did she take from this display? He wonders all this with one look, before addressing their (for the time being) captive.

    "Well I see you have some uses, how would you use these talents to benefit the Chamber? How would you use them against the Gates?" He shifts his weight to another leg. "While you have many things to say, still you have not said why you would wish to do such a thing with your time. You are new here after all, you want to be a part of the power. Meritable enough for one so young, but still your reason behind it all escapes me" A flick of his tail, accentuating his pause.

    "If plans for spying you have, well then you will not hold any reason to not divulge the Queen and I. The Gates, you've been? Tell me then, what sort of traits do the residents hold? There will be the usual of course, wings, horns maybe. Someone will have the gift of empathy, another will delight in invisibility." He paces now, curving around the Queen's backside to emerge on the opposite one.

    The dragon-winged bay steps towards the corpse, to further inspect this puppet, setting aside his curling stomach. Killdare had endured more brutal forms of torment, at the hands of his own father, the stench he would and could deal with. "Ah, yes but you see, I do not think the ruler goes without their own prize to claim." Straia had not divulged her gifts to him, not all of them, he did not even know for sure she or any other kingdom ruler had these extras. But, he was a man of war, all things came with spoils. Everything had a prize. Everything had a price too, and he hoped the Queen had come up with something befitting their guest.  

    Dragon-Winged Tracker Colonel of the Chamber

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    RE: Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Killdare, any] - by Killdare - 11-18-2015, 12:11 PM

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