so you wanna play with magic?
If she understands anything, she understands using one's power simply for the hell of it. She understands scheming, she understands plotting, she understands using your power to subject the powerless for a greater goal. But she perhaps first understands doing it because you can.
She is drawn to those who have magic in their blood. She is even more drawn to those who have power and are not afraid to use it. That is how she comes to seek out Lokii. Perhaps she has always been aware of him. Or perhaps he's grabbed her attention when he tried one of her favorite activities: playing with time. He's done some funny things with it, nothing on the scale of what she does, but enough that she notices it. And perhaps she is the one who makes it happen, perhaps her magic entwines with him somehow and gives him the little boost that he needs. Or perhaps not. Perhaps it is all him.
The black mare watches him before she even leaves the Deserts. He is in the meadow, flecks of time manipulation still dripping off of him like stray raindrops. It is always a danger to play with these things when you don't know them well; it was never such for her, because nothing is ever a danger to her, but it certainly could be for him. She gently, invisibly corrects the time flow around him, stabilizing him and ensuring that he wouldn't simply sift back into time. Perhaps it isn't necessary, or perhaps it saves his life.
She can feel the traces of magic that flick along his skin, different and independent from his own. Traces of it feel something like Yael's, and she lets the history expand outward in her mind for a moment, understanding how Yael's magic came to be hers, learning of an old mare called Morphine. She is confused for a moment, witnessing one of their kind go out of the world makes no sense to her. They should be eternal, immortal – but Morphine had something Camrynn is not burdened with. Morphine had a very strong conscience. For Camrynn, conscience is more of…a suggestion.
She appears beside him silently and suddenly, looking off into the same direction he faces. She is a beautiful mare by any standard, her coat a rich, dark black that gleams in the late summer sunlight. Her mane and tail are incongruously detangled, free to blow in the gentle breeze. Across her chest a gold crook and flail stand out proudly, gilded onto her body by the magic of the Deserts. Across her left cheek sits a trail of gemstones and diamonds, an equine necklace of precious stones. It is a gift from Lokii's king, from her lover, from Eight.
After a moment's pause, she turns to look at him. "Lokii." she states, a small smile playing on her lovely lips. "You've been playing with time." it is not chiding, it is merely amused. Her smile quirks upwards, and they begin to flick through time incredibly rapidly. The meadow fills and empties around them, suns rise and fall in the sky, snow falls and disappears, all accelerated. It is impossible to tell whether they are going backwards, or forwards, or simply looping; it's all going so fast, too much of a blur, to know anything definitive. But it is real, it is no illusion, and Camrynn is entirely in control of it.
She and Lokii stand at the center of the chaos, enclosed in a bubble that separates them from the shifts outside. They don't change (she never would, and she prevents it in him). Her eyes are fixed on his, their irises a deep purple. She watches his expression, curious to know what he thinks. She could show him scenes from his past (she could pull up memories of a certain pink queen) but she has no desire to do that to him. After all, they've just met – surely it would be rude.
"What did you think of it?" she asks genuinely, referring obviously to his dabblings in time manipulation. Before he has time to answer, abruptly, the world stops spinning and they're back where they started. The meadow is quiet around them, the other horses undisturbed, having no idea where the two of them had just been.
"I'm Camrynn, by the way."
She is drawn to those who have magic in their blood. She is even more drawn to those who have power and are not afraid to use it. That is how she comes to seek out Lokii. Perhaps she has always been aware of him. Or perhaps he's grabbed her attention when he tried one of her favorite activities: playing with time. He's done some funny things with it, nothing on the scale of what she does, but enough that she notices it. And perhaps she is the one who makes it happen, perhaps her magic entwines with him somehow and gives him the little boost that he needs. Or perhaps not. Perhaps it is all him.
The black mare watches him before she even leaves the Deserts. He is in the meadow, flecks of time manipulation still dripping off of him like stray raindrops. It is always a danger to play with these things when you don't know them well; it was never such for her, because nothing is ever a danger to her, but it certainly could be for him. She gently, invisibly corrects the time flow around him, stabilizing him and ensuring that he wouldn't simply sift back into time. Perhaps it isn't necessary, or perhaps it saves his life.
She can feel the traces of magic that flick along his skin, different and independent from his own. Traces of it feel something like Yael's, and she lets the history expand outward in her mind for a moment, understanding how Yael's magic came to be hers, learning of an old mare called Morphine. She is confused for a moment, witnessing one of their kind go out of the world makes no sense to her. They should be eternal, immortal – but Morphine had something Camrynn is not burdened with. Morphine had a very strong conscience. For Camrynn, conscience is more of…a suggestion.
She appears beside him silently and suddenly, looking off into the same direction he faces. She is a beautiful mare by any standard, her coat a rich, dark black that gleams in the late summer sunlight. Her mane and tail are incongruously detangled, free to blow in the gentle breeze. Across her chest a gold crook and flail stand out proudly, gilded onto her body by the magic of the Deserts. Across her left cheek sits a trail of gemstones and diamonds, an equine necklace of precious stones. It is a gift from Lokii's king, from her lover, from Eight.
After a moment's pause, she turns to look at him. "Lokii." she states, a small smile playing on her lovely lips. "You've been playing with time." it is not chiding, it is merely amused. Her smile quirks upwards, and they begin to flick through time incredibly rapidly. The meadow fills and empties around them, suns rise and fall in the sky, snow falls and disappears, all accelerated. It is impossible to tell whether they are going backwards, or forwards, or simply looping; it's all going so fast, too much of a blur, to know anything definitive. But it is real, it is no illusion, and Camrynn is entirely in control of it.
She and Lokii stand at the center of the chaos, enclosed in a bubble that separates them from the shifts outside. They don't change (she never would, and she prevents it in him). Her eyes are fixed on his, their irises a deep purple. She watches his expression, curious to know what he thinks. She could show him scenes from his past (she could pull up memories of a certain pink queen) but she has no desire to do that to him. After all, they've just met – surely it would be rude.
"What did you think of it?" she asks genuinely, referring obviously to his dabblings in time manipulation. Before he has time to answer, abruptly, the world stops spinning and they're back where they started. The meadow is quiet around them, the other horses undisturbed, having no idea where the two of them had just been.
"I'm Camrynn, by the way."
co-queen of the deserts, magical, mother of badassery
I thought this might be fun