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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i am a hurricane - all kingdom
    come back with your shield, or on it

    The change in the lands had been subtle. Something like the seasons shifting; barely noticeable unless you were looking for it. It had come to them in the form of hushed whispers and anxious rumors, but it had come nonetheless. He didn’t need to listen to the rumors. This wasn’t his first experience with war, and he’d heard the way his fathers heart had begun to beat frantically. He’d known it from the beginning because of that, felt it in the very marrow of his old bones. Straia was nothing if not ambitious, and she seemed hell bent on proving that she was worth her salt. The punch to the Gates had been nothing more than a proverbial flexing of their muscles, or at least in his opinion. It was simply a stepping stone on the path to much greater things. While he didn’t necessarily agree with letting Gryffen run around off leash, he couldn’t deny that he longed for something to break them from the monotony.

    He was born for war, bred for it. It was written in his flesh from generations back, and the need for it thrummed through his veins as easily as his life blood did. War was etched onto his skin, in the silvery scars and his hardened heart. It was his blood right, and he would not ignore the sound of the drum, no matter how far off they may be. He would always heed that call, especially if the good of the Chamber was at stake. He was nothing if not fanatically loyal, just as Straia was ambitious. While he couldn’t say he shared her exact ambitions, he always strove for the overall good of his kingdom.

    He didn’t need to hear her call to find himself moving towards the center of the kingdom. Atop his horns perched a shadow raven, a gift from the queen herself. While he wasn’t entirely sure what he was supposed to do with such a gift, and he didn’t much like it perching on his head, he had accepted it graciously enough. On his chest the infinity symbol glowed brightly and he was surprised he couldn’t hear it humming. Ever since they had rolled into motion it had started pulsating; it was fed by the Chamber, after all. The Chamber was essentially his life force gifted in part by Eight. His mortal heart should have been dust years ago, but his Chamber-fed heart would beat so long as there was a Chamber to fuel it.

    The black stallion slipped in quietly beside the Raven Queen, standing tall and making himself an impressive sentinel. His eyes swept over each and every one of them, trying to put names to faces and so on and so forth. He listened quietly while Straia spoke, mulling over her words in his mind. He knew, regardless of which way the Amazons went, that their army was strong. They were backed by not only their experience but more than one able and ancient magician. While he didn’t necessarily agree with using them, he had to admit that they were a nice additive to ones arsenal. Then there was the usual political bullshit, and he was surprised (but not shocked) to hear her promote Killdare to the position of Lord. A position once held by their now absentee son. The general didn’t miss his offspring in the love sense, but he did miss his insight and capabilities within the Chamber. But they would move on without him, for that was what was best for the Chamber. “My concern with allying with the Amazons after their vote, is will they all be willingly fighting? I know they are a fanatically loyal bunch, but surely they all have their own convictions. I worry that those who voted to side with the Gates will be less than inclined to go to war.” They could go on without the Amazons, whichever way the went. Straia spoke to Astri, and Warship turned to meet her gaze. “If you don’t mind, I’d give him no longer than a week. Time is of the essence, and I’d rather her be accustomed to those wings prior to a war.” he said gruffly, rolling his shoulders. The queen surely knew that he didn’t approve of some of Gryffen’s actions, but the displacement of his kingdom trait went beyond his personal feelings for the cremello. Those wings were meant to be used, not to sit idle against the withers of a horse out of the kingdom doing whatever he was doing. “For preparations, I’d like us to mock with our allies from the Valley and the Amazons, should they decide to join us. To fight capably side by side, you need to know what your allies can do and what weaknesses they may have. You may very well find yourself picking up their slack, and them doing the same for you.” His voice was brisk and his eyes were bright, the sign on his chest practically humming. Just then a new face arrived, and Warship’s black mouth split into a grin. Where once stood a young stallion, was now a wolf. “I think we can find a use for you, boy.” he said as kindly as he knew how, nodding his head to the colt. Whenever this war decided to take off, the Chamber was going to be armed to the teeth.


    Messages In This Thread
    i am a hurricane - all kingdom - by Straia - 11-16-2015, 04:01 PM
    RE: i am a hurricane - all kingdom - by Killdare - 11-16-2015, 06:15 PM
    RE: i am a hurricane - all kingdom - by Lupei - 11-16-2015, 08:53 PM
    RE: i am a hurricane - all kingdom - by Warship - 11-17-2015, 08:59 PM
    RE: i am a hurricane - all kingdom - by Shaytan - 11-20-2015, 02:18 PM
    RE: i am a hurricane - all kingdom - by Kushiel - 12-01-2015, 12:51 PM
    RE: i am a hurricane - all kingdom - by Kimber - 12-01-2015, 10:08 PM
    RE: i am a hurricane - all kingdom - by Straia - 12-11-2015, 12:43 PM

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