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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Killdare, any]

    Nymphetamine was young- he was mature- but he was young. The way he went about things was how he felt best about them at the time- which method would work the best with the greatest outcomes. Sometimes he was wrong. This may be one of the times...he had misjudged the timing of this plan. Straia told him that with the cold hard look of annoyance- and her words confirmed it shortly after. He may have misjudged the time- but he was sure she he had not misjudged the whole scheme. Unorthodox and tricky but it would work.

    He simply dipped his head at her words, it was story time.

    Simply put I wasn't sure I wanted to be in a herd or kingdom. So a gathered information about Chamber, but was approached by Gates in the process. I realized I wanted to be a part of the power- and I could be useful as a spy in gates. I set myself up to be welcome in gates- so I can always gather information on them. It might not be standard procedure- but I am new here and had the opportunity- I wouldn't have it if had waited.

    He stopped to eye the two beasts, not sure if Straia would believe it, but he knew he could be useful as a spy. Gates wasn't a huge worry for Chamber but they were gathering allies, and could become something more. He had one more trick to show, and it was useful.

    And well if you don't care to have a spy in Gates, or don't care to believe me. There is always this...

    Nymphetamine stilled as his mind reached out in search for his token. Sensing the being, he took hold of it's lingering physical form. Anyone watching the blood bay would think he was in thought, or maybe daydreaming, but Nymphetamine was completely aware. Before him, just where the cage was the ground buckled and there was a slight rumbling beneath them, as the blood bay continued to command the token to rise. The ground gave way making space for the stained bones coming from up from below. The rumbling and shifting of the ground cracking the ice cage and small pieces broke away as the dead beast rose from under the cage. The cage stayed intact- but the structure was weekend and hollowed where the corpse stood in place of the ice. The bones were stained by mud, sections of flesh hung from the rotting frame. The smell itself was enough to make most beasts flea, but Nymphetamine noticed not- one of the perks of being a necromancer. The dead beast did his will, and he could manipulate it to move and fight like most any equine- but the power had its toll, all powers had consequences and so did necromancy. He walked forward, making the skeleton move toward the others, not in attack but, out of his way as a convenient barrier in case Straia didn't appreciate his capabilities. The young stag looked at Straia a wicked smirk smeared across his maw.

    Do you really think someone with necromancy- one of the darkest gifts- would want to stroll around with a bunch of ninnies like those in Gates?

    If nothing else the skeleton could hold them off for a bit to allow him distance. But he felt this would be useful to the raven queen. Raising a single skeleton wasn't all he could do- but it was all he could do and still have full mobility and strength- but they would have no sign his abilities limitations- not yet. He would not share that until later- if ever. Nymphetamine cocked his head slightly- wondering how the Queen would respond- he had misjudged once- but would not misjudge her again.


    cold was my soul, untold was the pain I faced when you left me: a rose in the rain

    OOC: I don't think this was a power play- you said that he could break out- just not easily- i'll edit if I misinterpreted.
    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

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    RE: Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Killdare, any] - by Nymphetamine - 11-16-2015, 02:58 PM

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