The chains grow taught, as they ever do. Kirin is warmed by the success of his own coaxing, coiling the chains further around, the links folding and locking up.
"Ah," he purrs, for he did enjoy regaling the ways of his people. Like a skilled teacher attempting to preside over an undisciplined class. "We do works in his name, we procreate in his image. All this, because death is the end Wayra, and we are above such final things." Circling her steadily, because it simply just isn't enough to parrot truths into the air. He wished to see that truth take root in Wayra's life and, in turn, bring forth fruit in her behavior.
"I've got my own herd, my family is there too. They could be your family, we could be your family. The adults, they don't understand, but I can understand you Wayra." He didn't know for sure where she had come to the Meadow from, but there were adults involved-there always were.
Back home, there wouldn't be any adults to bother, use, or ignore her. The Mothers let them do as they pleased and often they disappeared into the hills themselves. The Children, were more than capable of surviving without them. No, the adults wouldn't be there to prey on the lovely roan girl, to use her for their own means. That was not to say that the Covelings wouldn't try to, that he wouldn't. He always left that part out though.
<33 gah and he is going to be so pissed with the Gates xD