Amorette’s eyes widen a little as Magnus’ words surprise her. In order to confirm that she heard right her gaze moves to her maman, her head tilting a little to the side and she blinks a few times. Did she really hear that correct? And then it settles in. A wide grin appears and her eyes twinkle in delight as she looks back at the golden stallion again.
She doesn’t look towards her maman as she hears her speak, instead she nods, grinning widely as she moves closer towards Magnus to press her nose against his shoulder, no longer aware of any possible boundaries. ”Papa” is the young girl’s final conclusion. Not only does Amorette think that he’s nice, her maman also seems to like him. Then an idea sparks her and the smoky black girl looks up at both adults eagerly. ”Can you be Besra’s father too? You said that we can choose our family right? And it will mean that we’re sisters!” She speaks fast and therefore a little unclear, as the excitement gets the better of her.
A soft, giggling sound comes from her direction as she sees the two adult’s together, her mother hidden underneath the golden wings. She’s too distracted to actually listen to their conversation and even if she would, she’s too young to understand. Except for the part when Magnus tells her she too can get her own pair of wings. And which little girl wouldn’t want such a beautiful gift? ”Maman, I want them too! Oh can I maman? Please!” And with an excited grin she crosses the last distance between herself and the outstretched wing.
Her muzzle ghost along the feathers carefully, giggling softly at the ticklish feeling they give off. She snorts softly and then she suddenly explodes with a burst of energy. As she rears lowly she turns away from the adults before jumping up with all four hooves of the ground. Amorette bounces around the pair, ears perking forward as her legs kick through the air.
She can feel the fatigue settling in once she comes to a halt. Her sides move quite heavily with every breath she takes, nostrils widened and panting softly. But the grin upon her features hadn’t fade. She drags herself towards the two adults and with an not fully meant apologetic grin she moves herself in between them, utterly content with the fact that she has both her parents at her side. ”He’s nice” Amorette says softly to her maman as she looks up at the gray mare with the wide grin still on her lips. And while she fights a yawn she turns to look at Magnus, head tilting a little to the side as she studies him for a few seconds, before blurting out a confession that isn’t really hers to make. ”Maman likes you.”
With that being said the young girl lowers herself to the ground. Another yawn escapes her lips, forcing her eyes closed. Amorette makes herself comfortable, stretching her long limbs as she drifts off to sleep, after all, the night had settled in a while ago already.
minette's petit papillon
OOC: Now Min and Magnus have some privacy
But I'll continue to stalk the thread :p