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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    good morning starshine; Lagertha/Sette/any

    the cat and the fiddle

    She blinks, a little suprised at the lack of decor the queen shows. This was not the amazons that she remembered. These were not the actions of a dignitary. Hestia remembers a day, an age, when questions were asked rather than slandered towards someone. If she only knew the entiraty of Hestia's story. She doubted the woman would be so bold. Indeed the Amazons had fallen, that much was clear to her. No one had to flower? No one paraded the vines? Where was the spirit? Why did they not hold to their traditions?

    She remembered when the Amazons had been a proud band of warriors, unstoppable, the pride of beqanna. Now look at them, even their queen could not hold her tongue. If anything the woman should be thanking her. Her mother had begged for her to come back. To follow her in her footsteps, but no Hestia had seen to her families needs instead. Now she watched as her heratige started crumbling before her eyes.

    Lost in thought, her eyes soft and a little distant she nods to the queen Firstly, if you must know, I have sworn no allegiance to anyone, or any kingdom. Ever in my life time. She pauses for a moment before continuing. I was never a sister, but a relic. All she was, everything that had held her heart, she was simply a relic. Something to forever mark the reign of a family that was slowly fading away. If you notice, I do not carry the mark of the vines, or the spirit tattoo of a creature of the Jungle. My flower, was a gift from a queen, and a blessing from the Jungle. Nothing more. Simply a mark of a family that seems to have been forgotten. There is nothing but the blessing of the Jungle on my body, it is nothing to do with associations. She isn't angry, she doesn't flip out and retaliate towards the   woman, there is no reason to. If anything Hestia believed herself to be showing the true actions of an amazonian, these younglings, seemed to be in need of lessons.

    She is doubting herself, she isn't sure if she so desires her child to be with these new amazonians, maybe she could train the girl up on her own, make sure she stays to the old customs. A vibrant bird lands on her shoulder and she nudges it lovingly. A long time ago, another princess was stolen from her home She looks pointedly at sette, hoping that the girl would see her sympathy. in much the same manner, though, that queen saw the benefits of the affair, and demanded that one of the Valleys children also be presented to the Jungle to ensure the safe return of her own daughter. Though the daughter fell in love with the new kingdom much to the queens dissapointment. She pauses for a moment looking into the queens eyes wondering what she would see when she finally gazed at those pools of anger. It started a tradition amongst the two kingdoms, and they alligned forces to become two of the most powerful kingdoms beqanna had seen. They traded children, thus they grew with a well rounded education. Though the princess never returned home, choosing instead to stay as a diplomat for the Jungle in the Valley. She blinks looking from one to the other, It would seem that tradition has been lost, though I would like to spark it up once more, and request that my daughter be raised here for half of her childhood. Under the care of the queen. I do not desire my family to be completely forgotten, its of the most importance to me that she continue in the old traditions and learn as much about the world as she can


    The living dead

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    RE: good morning starshine; Lagertha/Sette/any - by Hestia - 11-08-2015, 04:14 PM

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