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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we are aching bones and wasted years; minette

    Her eyes are full of hope and excitement, especially when he calls her by her name, but which instantly goes away as he tells her he is not. Even though she is only a child, she had noticed how her Maman responds to his presence, and even though that means she has to share the pale gray mare, she cannot help but to feel happy as her mother does so too. In her mind she could see them as a little family, but that fantasy got shattered right away.

    If she could she would’ve pouted right there, as she turns her head a little to the side to look at her mother. Yet she also isn’t entirely sure what her Maman meant, it is the first time she meets a stranger. ”Nice to meet you” she thus mumbles, only just loud enough to be heard. Amorette’s gaze casts to the ground, not daring to meet either of the adult’s gaze, afraid that she had said the wrong thing and that she would’ve disappointed her Maman.

    Yet her disappointment and insecurity is soon forgotten as he ruffles his wings. ”Ooh.” It is impossible for the young girl to hide her amazement and without realising she steps closer to him, but only to back away again as Magnus stretches them. She can only gaze at them in awe and excitement rises again.

    The smoky black girl giggles softly as she hears her Maman’s playful words, eyeing the golden stallion with interest as she waits for his reply. But her naïve mind cannot help but to wonder about the thing Maman had said. ”Maman?” she softly asks, moving closer towards Minette to press her dark muzzle against the mare’s light coat. ”Can I get them too?”

    Amorette wonders if she had heard him right, that she understood right, before jumping up in the air. A wide grin spreads across her lips and her short tail waggles in excitement. ”Can I really?” she asks, wanting to make sure that it is indeed okay before she would cross the boundary. Though it doesn’t stop her from moving closer. Her gaze is moving from the eagle wings towards Magnus’s eyes, waiting for him to confirm before she curves her neck to reach for them.


    la petite papillon

    image © jennifer heinen

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    RE: we are aching bones and wasted years; minette - by Amorette - 11-08-2015, 08:57 AM

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