she slept with wolves without fear
The Queen offers her some flimsy excuse, and Rhynn rolls her eyes, uncaring if the magician sees. She will serve, but she’s allowed to be irritated.
When the Queen says that she had to ensure Rhynn’s loyalty, the tiny mare snorts loudly and raises an imaginary eyebrow. The magician should know Rhynn’s loyalty well enough without making her wait - she should be able to read minds after all! More likely the Queen had just forgotten about her. Or been diverted by some ‘bigger’ plot. There’s really no point in lying. Granted, do magicians even know how to tell the truth?
And then she finally offers the promised gift.
Her eyes widen, wanting to take in every little last detail of this moment. And then she feels something building.
It builds and builds and builds, until the pressure explodes in a dazzling display of stars in her mind. And then it’s over. And there’s a strange sensation in the back of her mind.
She’s confused when the Queen explains it - mental invisibility - but the more she thinks about the gift, the more she likes it. She can already make herself physically invisible with her shadows, but to make herself mentally invisible as well? Her disguise will be indestructible. No one will be able to get past her deceptions. “Thank you, my Queen. I will make sure to put it to good use.”
And then, finally, she’s given an assignment. She’s heard of Tiberios only in passing - king of the sleeping Dazzling Waterfall. Not someone she would have thought to be of great import. Of course, she has no idea what the magician is planning. She nods her head and smiles. “Your will be done.” She pauses, waiting to see if there are any more instructions, and when there are none, she turns to leave. She might as well get to it.
for the wolves knew a lion was among them