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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I will kill you if I see benefit in your absence. (any)

    I am iron and I forge myself

    They are bound to run into each other again; Beqanna is only so large, and Magnus is very active in The Field, while the rest of her women are… not. At the moment. A few weeks after the sashayingly seductive Zebra chose the Jungle, she’s at it again, never satisfied until they prove themselves. That one may not be what they’re looking for, but the next one might. Words are words. Action is what counts. So when the horned, iron gray mare spots Magnus in The Field again, talking to a mare with a.. python? wrapped around her neck, she wonders if this is Fate just being a little bitch. She hasn’t an answer for him yet, and that is a little embarrassing on the Amazons’ part.

    Lagertha does not like indecision. This Khaleesi does not like the waiting game where she must hold back until every puppet and their strings are revealed. And to top it all off, she really hates being pregnant. Irrationally, that part is more towards showing that she is not super-Queen to the stallion. As if she should be above such things… Or maybe in this almost-bursting state, she is a credit to her Kingdom, working up until the moment the foal drops.  Part of her very much wants to draw the buckskin stallion aside and say that things might go his way anyway - but this is neither the time nor the place.

    Pregnant, but doing her best to be as stately and strong as possible, Lagertha holds her head high and trundles over to the pair. Flint-gray eyes linger on the curled python wrapped around the mare’s neck, and all of a sudden she recognizes the face. A couple of years or so ago, she was in The Field before. They were joined by Camrynn and oh.. someone else. She hadn’t made a decision then - so perhaps this is Lagertha’s second chance. She wear a thin smile, dropping in smoothly. “I can assure you that Magnus does not make false promises,” she says in greeting, giving a small nod to the Gates man. “I can also assure you, Smother, that you and your python would be quite at home in the Jungle.”

    It’s a ‘traditional’ home, but sometimes being where one is most comfortable is best. And besides, Lagertha could use someone on her side who has a little bit more bite than bark.  


    warrior queen of the amazons


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    RE: I will kill you if I see benefit in your absence. (any) - by Lagertha - 11-06-2015, 10:50 AM

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