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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    good morning starshine; Lagertha/Sette/any

    I am iron and I forge myself

    The first thing she wonders when another mare shows up is why a former Amazon still has her tattoo. Maybe outside of Beqanna, former members weren’t affected. It strikes her, for a moment, her eyes widening. She misses her own marks dearly and looks forward to the day when those silvery lines decorate her body again. She is fierce now, with her her horns and armor, but there are days when she looks at her reflection in the water and misses the intricacies of the patterns that wound their way around her face and chest. They were beautiful, in their own way. She felt decorated. She felt proud to wear them. The real question, however, is also why that flower has not been slashed from the former sister’s breast. Amazons swear allegiance to the Kingdom for life.

    So, what? She has come against her former Kingdom to advocate her lover taking the Queen’s child? Oh, that woman is no Sister. And so, she questions her. Perhaps more harshly than she should, but she has no patience for those who forsake their oaths. This is not a tantrum. This is a legitimate questioning. Her voice is as hard and as steady as the first words she uttered to Fennick. “You can tell me how you wear the flower - whole - when you live in the Valley now. Once a Sister forsakes the Jungle, the mark is slashed from her chest. None of us have the tattoo now, so how do you? If she is one of the old ones, if she is loyal - why did she not come here first? If the spirit is that strong in her… Her tones remain level, factual. “Magic has changed things here. But oaths are oaths. If you took it, and your allegiance is now to him and the Valley, then you have no right to wear that flower.” If she is still loyal to the Jungle, then what the heck is she doing supporting someone else? Everyone is held to the same standard. If one of her current subjects pulled this stunt, there would be hell to pay - either in the moment or later.

    Let her think on that a moment.

    Lagertha turns to Fennick. “That is exacttly why courtesy demands you wait at the borders. You are trespassing, plain and simple. The second one in a year - so why does all of Beqanna think that is ok? Would you tolerate it?” And yes, now she is getting angry. “Now.” She clears her throat, slowing down and speaking very clearly and articulately. “Sette will go as a visiting dignitary, with the right to come and go as she pleases. For a year. She will learn, and she will be treated well. As if she is your own daughter.” Her gaze travels between the three of them, lingering on each for a moment. “And the next time a member of the Valley comes to visit the Jungle, they will wait at the borders or come with a Sister, or I will impale them myself. Understood?”


    warrior queen of the amazons

    [let me know if i got that whole Hestia thing wrong, Tiny, and I'll edit! ]

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    RE: good morning starshine; Lagertha/Sette/any - by Lagertha - 11-05-2015, 10:23 PM

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