I love the way that your heart breaks
with every injustice and deadly fate.
He has come, and naturally she is here. A slow, satisfied smile curves his cracked lips, his placid eyes glinting with something unnamable. She had grown round with child. One of his making. And he is delighted. There is no telling what such a willing student might pass on to her offspring. Ones worthy of the lineage they carry, he hopes.
The pain of birth is a song in the air, trilling in his ears. Mother and child are exhausted. He steps forward then, inspecting the pair of them. As the red mare falls away into slumber, her lowers his burning muzzle over the small gray filly, hovering a bare inch over her new skin. One eye is milky white, unseeing, but he cares little about that. He cares only that she is so wonderfully new, such a perfect little creature, created by him, that he might mold.
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