Okay, so this one was intelligent enough, a bit talkative but you can't have everything right? The bay looks cooly at the young male, sizing him up, looking him over with an amused smirk. The sight of seeing him spook had been quite hilarious but Killdare didn't belittle him by accentuating it with his boomy laughter. He wanted to, he really wanted to, but he refrained because that would be rude. That would not help him recruit and that's why he was here.
"You're right there, you remind me of someone I know, you remind me of someone that can do well in the Chamber. For the Chamber." He answers in deep baritone vocals, cutting right to the chase. What was with all that beating around the bush that some did? Was that exactly helpful? He snorted, he didn't think it was; though truth told, he isnt much of a thinker either.
Killdare is a doer, a man of actions, and where that area was in capable hands-silly words and whispers were lacking. "The Chamber serves a Raven Queen, Straia. We host those that are...determined." Evil? No, no, he wouldn't, shouldn't go that far. As Straia always said they were not evil. Well, kinda depends on who you ask he thought. "We look for those that can serve, can help our pine forest prosper. We do not cow to idle threats, we steal, we decimate when necessary. Between me and you, when things go down, you'll not want to find yourself on the wrong side." He winked, a flash of bark-brown over an almost transparent green.
"So, what do you think? There's room for you if you want to come. A way with words would suit our needs of the moment, but there is plenty of room in our army if that's where your heart is. So long as your loyalties lie with the Chamber." He shifts his weight, flexes the mahogany reptilian wings curving at his sides, and waits to hear what the boy has to say.