11-03-2015, 12:02 PM
The Chamber Colonel was not a common sight in the Meadow. He normally had no use for the meaningless conversation or company of strangers. However, the Chamber's diplomats were becoming scarce, so for his Kingdom's needs- he would make compromises.
The bay climbs through the sky, pulling at the clouds on taloned dragon wings, searching the Meadow lands for potential. Potential for what? Why, for the Chamber of course. The pine forest demanded fresh blood once again, and he would do his best to bring it what it wanted. Even if that meant mingling with the unknown, not that he was afraid, he just hated pointless conversation. How would he know which one to approach?
His glassy green eyes bore into the early spring grasses, the tiny shoots that would soon flourish. He must have scanned over at least 6 other horses before he spotted the young bay male. He had barely breached manhood but still he stood tall and proud all on his own in the middle of the common grounds. Killdare dove to land with a flourish of dirt and grass particles before the boy, perhaps this one might do. The soft earth gives under his weight as his hooves collide with the land and he raises his head high-pulling his scaled appendages around his bay barrel, and back. This one reminded him a bit of himself and with his own boys gone, well, who can blame him for picking this young hotshot. "Killdare, from the Chamber. Staying in the Meadow are you?" He wonders if the colt intends to roam herdless or kingdomless, because if not the Colonel might just have found what he was looking for.
The bay climbs through the sky, pulling at the clouds on taloned dragon wings, searching the Meadow lands for potential. Potential for what? Why, for the Chamber of course. The pine forest demanded fresh blood once again, and he would do his best to bring it what it wanted. Even if that meant mingling with the unknown, not that he was afraid, he just hated pointless conversation. How would he know which one to approach?
His glassy green eyes bore into the early spring grasses, the tiny shoots that would soon flourish. He must have scanned over at least 6 other horses before he spotted the young bay male. He had barely breached manhood but still he stood tall and proud all on his own in the middle of the common grounds. Killdare dove to land with a flourish of dirt and grass particles before the boy, perhaps this one might do. The soft earth gives under his weight as his hooves collide with the land and he raises his head high-pulling his scaled appendages around his bay barrel, and back. This one reminded him a bit of himself and with his own boys gone, well, who can blame him for picking this young hotshot. "Killdare, from the Chamber. Staying in the Meadow are you?" He wonders if the colt intends to roam herdless or kingdomless, because if not the Colonel might just have found what he was looking for.