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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Till the world ends {any}
    Kushiel grinned, a wide, manic smile that made him look like he’d either been really good or really bad. As usual, the expressions were one in the same, and elicited the same giddy joy. If truth were to be told, Kushiel rarely thought about his father. Everyone else seemed to have a great deal more of a bone to pick with the magic man. The worst thing Carnage had ever done to Kushiel was fuck his mother…twice. While that normally would have elicited a great deal of irrational rage from the gray stallion (causing no small number of whispers about Oedipus complexes), Kushiel was too disturbed by the idea to give it more than a passing consideration.

    Some things just didn’t need to be considered.

    His mother’s relations were among the long list of things Kushiel pretended didn’t exist. His sanity was built like a shaky house of cards. A strong gust of wind could topple the whole thing. He did, however, have an answer for the new stallion. He gave him an abbreviated version, the new guy didn’t need to hear about Kushiel’s dark and twisted relationship with his mother.

    “If the stories are to believed he is. The old man has always stayed out of my way though.” One day, when Kushiel was tragically, hopelessly, stupidly bored, perhaps he’d go looking for trouble. That day was a long way in the future, however, if it was ever to come at all.

    Kushiel’s smile grew wry when Galazar spoke on the saintliness of mothers. Kushiel had heard something like this many times before. People always insisted that Gallows couldn’t be as bad or as good as Kushiel made her seem. That is where everyone was wrong. Perhaps that was true of mothers in general. Most mothers were just women after all, nothing more, nothing less. All those women weren’t Gallows though. Kushiel just grinned knowingly. His mother was a force of nature, you had to meet her to understand. But, the new stallion turned his attention to the ravens before Kushiel could launch into another account of Gallows’ exploits and embarrass both of them.

    “Ah yes, you have Straia to thank for that.” Kushiel looked around, shifty eyed, as if he had something to hide. Then he spoke in a loud, exaggerated stage whisper.

    “Be careful what you say, she’s always listening.” Kushiel was making fun of the situation, but he was also telling the truth. Straia was always listening, and the ravens were her perfect, feathery, scavenging spies. But, instead of ripping the flesh from the dead, they ripped secrets from her enemies (and everyone else as well).

    Kushiel was still imagining Stria’s ravens picking away at his exposed brain when Galazar explained his fangs and generally bedraggled appearance. Kushiel heaved a sigh of relief. Really anything was better than another bunny eater.

    “Well, you better not tell that to Shaytan. She probably won’t thank you for your trouble.” From his experience, Shaytan didn’t take very well to logic and reason. Though, perhaps she and Galazar might find other things to talk about. They both shared a preference for blood. Weren’t good friendships built on mutual interests? If that was the case, Galazar should fit right in. Kushiel shrugged.

    “I suppose there are worse things to be than skinny. You’re not so terrible to look at. Not that I’d be in a hurry to get in line or anything.” Kushiel gave the new stallion a shifty look, just incase he got any crazy ideas about which team Kushiel went to bat for. Ladies, Kushiel only swung his bat around from the ladies. It was probably good Galazar changed the subject.

    “Well, my name is Kushiel. My saintly mother had a dirty one night stand with the dark god and gave birth to me in the Valley. I then betrayed her hopes and dreams by coming to live here. Not to much to tell really, once you hit those main details.” Kushiel could, of course, control fire. But, that was really just a parlor trick when you got down to it. He did use that parlor trick to burn the Gates to the ground a while back. But again, who was counting? Or was the devil in the details? It was one or the other, Kushiel could never remember which.

    Messages In This Thread
    Till the world ends {any} - by Galzar - 10-19-2015, 06:51 PM
    RE: Till the world ends {any} - by Kushiel - 10-24-2015, 05:11 PM
    RE: Till the world ends {any} - by Galzar - 10-25-2015, 06:10 PM
    RE: Till the world ends {any} - by Kushiel - 10-28-2015, 12:34 PM
    RE: Till the world ends {any} - by Galzar - 10-28-2015, 10:03 PM
    RE: Till the world ends {any} - by Kushiel - 11-02-2015, 09:30 PM

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