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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    good morning starshine; Lagertha/Sette/any

    the cat and the fiddle

    Its been a interesting few months, to say the least. Yes you could say that she was scared, would she show it? Never. The former amazonian princess plods through Beqanna reminesing on old haunts. Wondering how the hell she was going to raise a child. It wasn't something that she was prepared for.

    She had been so careful in previous years to keep from having children, in fact if anything the mare had keep to her amazonian policy and never touched a male that way before in her life. Until Fennick, dear Fennick, whom had stolen her heart, and for one night, ok maybe it had been longer, she had allowed him to own her body as well. So far the black mare's meanderings had brought her across the Dale, the meadow, and a few other shady memories. Now she was at the borders of her "other" home. The home of her birth and heritage.

    Hesitant she knew she was bound to cross these borders one day, but was today that day? Well they seemed to welcome her enough. She didn't want to disturb any of the ladies, so far she had been successful in keeping to herself and the shadows about her travels. Then a familiar scent wafts her way. Traversing through the heat had never been a problem to her, the Jungle came alive. It was a living breathing creature that called to her heart.

    She shifts in her stance, a path opening to her. The mare looks to the trees carressing the leaves as she passes through. It was guiding her to her heart. She was sure of it. Though the scent seemed to grow stronger as she moved through the brush. Until its a suprise and a gasp that has her head spinning slightly.

    What was he doing here? Why did the Jungle lead her here? There seems to be a heated exchange taking place. She isn't sure what to do. So slowly she approaches, making sure to remain respectfully in all their sight ranges. Pursing her lips, she nods to the women, and reachs to touch Fennicks shoulder uncertainty clouding her vision. Would he be upset with her? She couldn't help but wonder, this was a new era of her life, and she had never not traversed familiar ground before. Everything in her life now was new, it was in a sense terrifying to the immortal. Lagertha, my apologies for intruding. She pauses a moment nodding to the two ladies in respect. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Hestia. You can see the Amazonian flower marking her heritage on her chest for in Lagertha's rage she had trampled the foliage that had hid it. I was simply traveling through my old haunts, when the Jungle borders welcomed me. It formed a path, and I followed as the spirit has never been wrong in its guidence. Foolish it may seem, but the path the Jungle guided me with led me here. She stops once more leafy orbs uncertain, though a light breeze allows her to catch the mares scent, and she knows. The mother instinct alerted her to the presence of another mother to be. Certainly not the yearling. If I may be of assistance in any way, I would be happy to oblige. I can only help but think that the spirit has a reason for my presence here. She ignored the mares tantrums, after all Hestia could relate. She didn't know what she would do if the child inside of her was to be taken from her side at such an age.

    The black mare offers a look of sympathy, after all. She had been placed in the same position long ago. A princess captured, and trained to be a diplomat. Seperated from her family and friends. The queen Jadis had not been so protective of herself as this woman was of her young.

    It was not so long ago, that the Valley, and the Amazonian's used to trade their children as a sign of good faith. Perhaps that custom was igniting once more? She already knew that she would be sending her own daughter to the sisters for some of her education. It was important that their family heritage not be lost, there was no better place then the Jungle and Valley. She wanted the best for her child, and would make sure that as much as she loved the unborn creature that laid growing inside her, she would sacrifice her love to know that it would grow with the best the child could have.


    The living dead

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    RE: good morning starshine; Lagertha/Sette/any - by Hestia - 10-31-2015, 02:45 PM

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