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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I wish I was as cold as stone [Nihlus]
    He seems insulted and I do not know why. When he, in turn, takes his chance to call my own thoughts incorrect, I only shrug. I have had far worse things said to me, most of them truer and more hurtful than this young colt’s wounded pride.

    Nihlus tells me that I have a boring life and I smile. This is all I have ever wanted, doesn’t he know? A life free of my overbearing father and my taunting brother. A life where nothing is expected of me beyond my simple presence in the kingdom. This life is boring, exactly as I’d have wished it. Mother had once said that only boring horses are bored, but I think that Mother might have been wrong on this one thing. A boring life is a peaceful one, and for all my standing in the Army I’d rather be standing still.

    Nihlus seems inclined to tell me of his travels – or perhaps his life, I’m not entirely sure. “I was born in the Dale,” I volunteer, because if travel is what he meant then I have at least done that. “And I’ve been to the Meadow.” Nowhere else though, unless one counts the lands between. I was not born with a great thirst to see the world or to conquer it like my brother has; the sunset here is all the glory that I need.

    I wince a little at the word parent, though it is a small thing. The wounds are not so great as if I had been a child when they passed away, but I still at times find myself looking to the horizon for my titan of a father or the familiar speckled silhouette of my dam. I am not fond of the Valley, only because my father was not, but I do know the name Noori. I had thought she had lived here, but I might be mistaken, I often am.

    I do not know the name eight, but I do know the words prince. His math is puzzling to me though - “Do you have five parents, then?” I ask, my brow furrowed. I had been a prince once, a prince of the Deserts and a prince of the Dale. I am nothing now, of course, just a private in the Desert’s army. “I only have…well, had two.” It has not occurred to me that he means grandparents. I know mine rules as well, though Father’s family was beyond Beqanna. Mother’s mother was queen of the Dale before her, and her father ruled the Tundra. That is why Kreios is there, I imagine. He wants to live somewhere that our family is powerful. It’s not so strong here, anymore. There is only myself and the triplets, and I wonder if they will all stay.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I wish I was as cold as stone [Nihlus] - by Kreios - 04-16-2015, 01:19 PM

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