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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    good morning starshine; Lagertha/Sette/any

    I am iron and I forge myself

    Lagertha can only do so much by herself, and now it is evident. The Valley has stolen her daughter, and it is enough to make her blood boil. While they are not enemies, they aren’t exactly allies (yet) either. The stallion could have chosen anyone - anyone at all, and she would have simply shrugged her shoulders and said that’s life. They target her daughter, and Lagertha is surprised to find that she desperately wants blood. It’s a double standard that she doesn’t have to justify. Why? Because she’s a goddamn queen and they know that little rattles her. So when something does - watch out.

    After privately raging about and destroying a good deal of budding fern plants and some sapling trees, the iron Khaleesi composes herself. With a loud snort and nary a look behind her, she moves on, leaving a circle of trampled and shredded foliage in her wake. You see, there is an intruder in their midst, and she must deal with it swiftly. No matter that the intruder has a reason to be here - borders are borders.

    Whilst making her way quickly down the jungle paths, she thinks on the situation; turn it into something good, Lagertha concludes - give Anguisette her first assignment. Make her expectations to the Valley’s man very, very, very clear. Just like it would be very, very, very clear that he should wait to be invited in next time. These are uncertain days; nothing can be left to chance and no weaknesses uncovered, let alone her pregnancy.

    She arrives in her armor, which is actually rather magnificent when you look beyond the functionality of it. Her skin is covered in a thin layer of iron, from which razor sharp onyx spikes (something like a sea urchin’s outer layer) radiate - and then, of course, there are the waterbuck horns that arc high above her head. She is just…. prickly all over. It manages to hide the gentle swell of her abdomen (thank goodness she isn’t in the later stages of gestation yet), and is a sight that few have seen, let alone someone who isn’t a sister. Lagertha knows how to keep her cards close to her chest.

    She practically growls at him - flinty, cold eyes narrowed and hard. “I know who you have come for, Valley man, but you are trespassing. And for that, you must make a concession.” He should have known better, or at least known that the Amazons were rather territorial. Especially their hard-ass of a Khaleesi.


    warrior queen of the amazons

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    RE: good morning starshine; Lagertha/Sette/any - by Lagertha - 10-28-2015, 09:29 PM

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